Shy Crab starving?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2003
I have a 70 gal paludarium setup, (look in my gallery to get an idea of what it looks like) and yesterday I plopped a fiddler crab. My girlfriend has had one for a few months now, so I thought I'd try one to see how it worked out. Well, he immediately just climbed into a crack between two rocks, and hid. Since then, he's just moved from hiding place to hiding place. I've tried to lure him out with blanced vegetables an flakes, as I'm worried that he's starving. Can anyone give me any advice?

Shrimp Pellets.

Mine love them.

Also they'll eat algae.

Don't worry, mine were shy for awhile to.

Just make sure they have a way to get above the surface of the water so they can breath from time to tiem.

I have a toy fireladder in my tank to help my male and female fiddlers :D
maby its trying or getting ready to molt, i just had one of my female crabs molt.
she kept burring herself in one of the caves and i thought that she dug to deep and it collapsed on her but after sever times of taking her out to make make sure she wasnt stuck i just let it go and see what happened. i noticed she was bringing rocks to the entrance and covering herself up ( it wasnt the cave collapsing) a few days later i found her shell right out side of the cave. lol kinda scared me at first to see half a crab lol. but found her finnaly out and about. she ran straight to the cave when i got her and now shes doing fine.
I guess it just took time. This morning, the crab was out and about investigating the top of the aquarium. And then the power went out. So now I'm working on that problem :roll:
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