Sick Cow Fish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 23, 2004
Reading, PA---USA
I have a cow fish for about a month, he is about 2 in long. He hurt his one horn by rubbing up on the glass over and over again. Now that its growing back, it 2x to 3x as thick at the base as the other one. Is it infected or is that just how they grow back.

I'm no expert with sw, but I'd imagine the swelling isn't normal for a horn growing back. Is that a whitish ring around the inflamed horn? You said he was repeatedly rubbing on the glass. To me that sounds like an itchy parasite... he may very well have rubbed the affected area raw, thereby introducing the infliction into the horn itself causing swelling. I believe the recommended action would be to QT him and treat with copper. But I also think someone else should comment and help first. This is all just what I assume but cannot cite as concrete information. ;)
Actually if you are going to treat for parasite, a Cowfish should be treated with hyposalinity. They are sensitive to copper sulphate.
I would just keep high water quality and feed him food laced with vitamins such as selcon. He should be OK.
If he starts to go downhill, then please move him to qt. When this fish dies, it releases a toxin that can wipe out your other fish.
Keep a close eye and good luck!! Get back to us with any other questions.
Your welcome.
Another thought...
If the inflammation does not do down. You can move him to qt and treat with epsom salt (1 tbsp per 10 gallons) this will help reduce the inflammation. If it gets infected, you could also treat with antibiotics in the qt setting.
Good luck, a very cute fish. :)

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