Skimmer cleaning

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 17, 2011
Louisville KY
Should I clean my skimmer when I empty the cup, or is it better to just empty the cup and allow the gunk to build up where the bubbles form?
I've heard two seperate answers, one friend told me it promotes bubbles, the other said it's just restricting the flow.
If there's a serious build up that could restrict the flow id say wipe it down but it is good to have a layer of "gunk" to help the skimmate to climb
If there's a serious build up that could restrict the flow id say wipe it down but it is good to have a layer of "gunk" to help the skimmate to climb

Sounds good to me, I was cleaning it every few days but if it helps I'll wait until it actually starts restricting it.
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