Snail eggs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 14, 2013
Do these eggs need to be fully submerged in water or without water?


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I heard that they will die under water, so i suppose they should stay over water.
Do NOT submerge. They need a humid environment but they will die submerged. You will be able to see the little snails growing inside soon. Sometimes a first clutch will be infertile though so if the don't hatch in like a month then remove and discard.

Not all the babies will make it once they hatch, but that is a good thing otherwise you would end up with hundreds! Feed blanched veggies and algae wafers.
Do NOT submerge. They need a humid environment but they will die submerged. You will be able to see the little snails growing inside soon. Sometimes a first clutch will be infertile though so if the don't hatch in like a month then remove and discard.

Not all the babies will make it once they hatch, but that is a good thing otherwise you would end up with hundreds! Feed blanched veggies and algae wafers.

Uhh ohh
You submerged them? If you did, I suggest removing them, and letting you're snails reproduce again.
this is my second try at this. And I have not had any luck at first and thought I did something wrong, ends up I did two times
The bigger the snails get the more they reproduce I've noticed. Also you can condition them with veggies and I feed mine algae wafers too. I also noticed that they breed more at higher temps. If you want good shell growth try putting a piece of bird's cuttlebone (sold for birds I mean) in the tank for calcium. I use liquid Calcium for reef tanks and also Iodine. Only very small amounts and my snails have great shells.

One more thing, snails can and will climb out of the tank and fall cracking their shells and then its all over, so make sure you have a good lid.
The bigger the snails get the more they reproduce I've noticed. Also you can condition them with veggies and I feed mine algae wafers too. I also noticed that they breed more at higher temps. If you want good shell growth try putting a piece of bird's cuttlebone (sold for birds I mean) in the tank for calcium. I use liquid Calcium for reef tanks and also Iodine. Only very small amounts and my snails have great shells.

One more thing, snails can and will climb out of the tank and fall cracking their shells and then its all over, so make sure you have a good lid.

My snail has climbed onto the underside of the hood before. I'm sure one of the snails shells have a little crack
I keep my tank level a little lower than normal just so there is room for the snails to lay eggs. That's why they go on sight seeing tours, to find a place to lay their eggs. I also use versa-tops which work well to keep the snails in.
I keep my tank level a little lower than normal just so there is room for the snails to lay eggs. That's why they go on sight seeing tours, to find a place to lay their eggs. I also use versa-tops which work well to keep the snails in.

I scooped some water out of my tank. I will keep my tank water lowerbthan usunął for the next month or two. Thank you for the help
Here's some pics of my snails laying eggs. If you have anymore questions let me know. I've been dealing with snails for a long time now.


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Here's some pics of my snails laying eggs. If you have anymore questions let me know. I've been dealing with snails for a long time now.

Are those snails capable of living in and out of water?
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