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Ahh Aces my friend!!! Thank you. I will really consider it. I'm not sure what happened but I can't find my little albino Pleco, I lost all my Cory but 1 guess I added to much salt for them. So I have 1 little Cory and a ghost shrimp to pick up the bottom mess and they aren't cutting it. I was considering loaches but not sure how I feel about that. Please give me suggestions. My tank is only a 29, and I need to get Otto when I know the 20 is safe.

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Careful some loaches like clown get big and need a big tank. I've seen salt overdose kill corycatfish. Otto are also sensitive they aren't as hardy fish. If theirs a problem with water they die quickly.

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The ottos did fine until I OD on salt. The Cory's died next day, took ottos 2 days. My water has been great, so I've been very cautious and test it every 2 days. That's part of my concern with the missing little Pleco. As for loaches I was thinking the kulhi loach. My understanding is they don't get over 4", there good cleaners, will eat little snails and their eggs. But I am so concerned with this tank because I really like it. I put a lot of love into it and more money than the other. So I don't want to mess up. I've been adding plants for a healthier, happier home for these fish too. May sound lame but if I lost any of the fish I'd be crushed. Any suggestions?ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1412804507.751261.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1412804630.873846.jpg

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Oh ok kuli loaches are good but don't buy 1 get 3 or 4 they like a group. They really wount eat snails I got them and they don't mess with them at all they eat flake and pellets after they mushed a bit. Plants do wonders for aquarium so that's excellent also. But go easy plants nothing to demanding cause then your have issues with that. You used aquarium salt correct not table salt which has iodine in it?

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Pleco his good especially little onces check behind heater and under driftwood and decorations

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Don't yell at me, i used sea salt I ran out of aquarium salt, I figured how different can it be? Obviously quite different. So you see a picture of my tank and what I have and you know my lack of experience but desire to learn, what's your thoughts on a clean up crew for me?

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I checked everywhere. Behind plants, under driftwood, behind and under the large rock, and removed and rinsed the filter. Last Pleco I had disappeared too. My fish aren't able to harm and eat him in a matter of hours could they.

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Fishfur - Thanks for the info on the MTS. Interestingly, ones I moved from the planted tank to the shrimp tank show little to no shell erosion/decay (baby and mature). Same water source. They help themselves to the shrimp's algae wafers so I am guessing that diet is a factor. I think the plants in the high tech setup are affecting the mineral levels. I have added chunks of cuttlebone to both tanks as a supplement.

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Well if he died in spot you couldn't see they could of eat him. You really can't do to many shrimp unless tank has a lot of hiding spots for them the Angels when they get bigger will make a snack out of them. You can do some ottos and a mix of corys like a albino,emerald green,and a salt and pepper or a panda Cory I would put like 4 of them

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Haha those are the 4 I had. I love the albino and panda, I saw 1 I forgot name started with "J", very pretty also. I don't mind if the angels snack on the ghost shrimp, it's only the Cory's and ottos will do okay for clean up crew? Will that cause a negative overstock? I'm not sure if bottom feeders are considered the same way as fish when it comes to stocking.

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I would say fine especially if you do a water change here and their and have a great filter. Also with ottos and Pleco give them a piece of spinach leaf blanched and cucumber they love that and it's very good for them

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My angels are kissing. :). It's cute.
Really pregnant platty in breeding net, not happy but I know fry will get eaten. What to do.

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When she drops them remove her with the hour or she will start to have a snack on them

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Ok I've heard people say they use peas, cucumber, and now spinach. I assume I peel the cuke and pull stem off spinach. Thanks so much

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No not needed if you give it a blaching in hot water peas I never cared for giving but say you put in at night in the morning remove any extra so water doesn't get foul

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Oh forgot to mention I do water changes often once week about 25%.
I'm not sure she's ready to drop them, she got very rounded and looking like she swallowed a marble when I got up this morning. My concern is if she's not ready, how long do I give her to drop. I will get her out of the net ASAP after she has them. I hope I get to see it.

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That's a term for cooking like putting your vegetables in a pot of boiling water for alittle but not letting it sit and boil in the water to mush lol. You could do is take piece of food put in microwave for 15 seconds and feed them easier that way

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On ok, duhhh. Just soften the cuke. ?

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That's good 25% like what I do excellent. The platy will get really round when ready to drop them and in her back lower area you will see dark spots that's actually the babies eyes that you see through her belly

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