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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 4, 2011
So today I had a job interview with Petsmart today!! Wish me luck guys, cuz I really want to make the fish department a trust worthy place where we aren't just another store trying to get into everyones pockets!! I really want to make it a good place for every experience level to come...fingers crossed!
Thanks :)
Awesome. Good luck and hope you are successful in your goal!
Oh and by the way...that will mean I will be asking a lot more questions, so I can get the BEST answers to client questions :) as this is now my favorite hobby, and would love to re-create the enthusiasm in others! Hopefully you will be seeing a lot more members from the Seattle area...ones that I have referred to you wonderful people ;)
that sounds awesome! I'm sure you'll do great if you get the job :D Did you ask to work specifically in the fish section? That would be awesome, just cleaning the tanks and teaching the customers. Maybe you'll give petsmart a good rep, and they'll start requiring better care in other stores :O!
I would love to work at a place like that, and do what your doing, but in my small town, we have only 2 places that sell fish. and they're such small businesses they dont need other workers...
actually I worked at our pet store once (locally owned) and they fired me because they didnt like me telling them we shouldnt keep the bettas in a cup. But in places like petsmart theres so much fish inventory, you can make things work better :D I have a good feeling about this for you :D Hope all goes well, and keep us posted :D
Awww schucks guy!! I totally will :) you guys always know how to make me smile...I didn't ask them about fish directly, but I mentioned my 50 gallon build and they found it rather intriguing :) I also love fish aren't my only reason, but I really do want to change the way people view "fish loving"! Also...I had surgery a few hours after my was nothing invasive or life threatening, but would love good vibes of a quick recovery from awesome people like all of you! Your encouragement always makes the most discouraging days much sunnier :)
yay! I think if you try hard enough people will see how awesome fish can be :D I always feel so bad for the dogs in those places, they always look so sad :( You should encourage them to see if they can find local dogs to sell, or at least not puppy mill ones :D
And its great to hear your surgery went well! Take care of yourself for the next little while, just take it easy and stare at your pretty fishies :D
GoldfishNewbie said:
yay! I think if you try hard enough people will see how awesome fish can be :D I always feel so bad for the dogs in those places, they always look so sad :( You should encourage them to see if they can find local dogs to sell, or at least not puppy mill ones :D
And its great to hear your surgery went well! Take care of yourself for the next little while, just take it easy and stare at your pretty fishies :D

I don't have any yet!! Blah!! Lol
Good luck! I want to do that when I FINALLY get old enough. How old do you have to be?
Oh lol...I think they require 18...all of us at AA should start a revolution, and make the aquatic department better
Joyler said:
Oh lol...I think they require 18...all of us at AA should start a revolution, and make the aquatic department better

Grrr... 5 more years dangit!!! So close... Yet so far!!! (but I can volunteer at the humane society at 16!) (caught em on a technicality suckas!!!)
Thanks! And I don't remember if I mentioned...I'm two days out of surgery, and I have not felt any pain, and have actually been pretty active :)

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