Spring pond questions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 12, 2005
Dubuque, Iowa
This is my first spring with my pond. The ice has been all melted for about a week now. Without my filter and UV running it is starting to look like really thick pea soup though. At what temp (water or air) is it safe to turn those back on? I've read 40-45*F. Yes, I'm starting to get the urge to get things going on it as I have some planned changes I need to make - but it is starting to look really ugly right now.


I'm sure by now you've already started everything up but for future reference. I started mine up as soon as the temperatures got warm enough to not freeze the water running through the hoses to the filter and the falls. On the nights after I started it up that it got colder again, I just shut it off and restarted it when it got a little warmer. Thats just what I do, though.
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