Starting 75gal help!!!

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When looking on that site. I don't see the exact names I have listed? Maybe they go by other names? And I assuming I should go with the small of each. A lot cheaper that way.

Umm I'll go look I didn't look at all of them because I knew they had them before. You'll want them close to the same size so they don't eat each other.I'll warn you now the afra grow really slow.
Alright sweet! Does the sex of the fish matter that much with that stock?

The sex does matter but ordering them at that size you won't be able to control it. The only thing you can do is hope
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos - 4 = Melanochromis Maingano Elec Blue

Cynotilapia afra cobue " Afra Edwardi " - 4 = afra cobue orange back

Metriaclima estherea (red) - 3 = Pseudotropheus Esterae Super Red Zebra

Metriaclima sp. "Msobo" - 4 = Pseudotropheus Heteropictus Msobo

I'm pretty sure that's them
Umm I'll go look I didn't look at all of them because I knew they had them before. You'll want them close to the same size so they don't eat each other.I'll warn you now the afra grow really slow.

The sex does matter but ordering them at that size you won't be able to control it. The only thing you can do is hope

What will I have to do about the afra? Just hope nothing happens to them? And hopefully I get the right sex right off the bat. I can change them later if it doesn't work out.
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos - 4 = Melanochromis Maingano Elec Blue

Cynotilapia afra cobue " Afra Edwardi " - 4 = afra cobue orange back

Metriaclima estherea (red) - 3 = Pseudotropheus Esterae Super Red Zebra

Metriaclima sp. "Msobo" - 4 = Pseudotropheus Heteropictus Msobo

I'm pretty sure that's them

Alright sweet. I'll get the cycling done and order away!!
What will I have to do about the afra? Just hope nothing happens to them? And hopefully I get the right sex right off the bat. I can change them later if it doesn't work out.

They should be fine just order them all small. I have like 5 that are and inch and half and my dudes leave them alone
Just did the tests.
pH: off the chart
High range pH: between 8.4 and 8.8
Ammonia: between 4 and 8
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: did not test.


Looks like I might have to empty and fill a few times.
Jeez mine didn't go up that much but I didn't test right away. I did several water changes before testing.

Maybe I'll let it be for a while. While I go through the cycle and do gradual water changes through that process.
Maybe I'll let it be for a while. While I go through the cycle and do gradual water changes through that process.

By the time it gets threw the cycle it will probably come down some. I'd let it cycle and soak in there and then maybe do two water changes. It's high but with Africans it's not to far off.
By the time it gets threw the cycle it will probably come down some. I'd let it cycle and soak in there and then maybe do two water changes. It's high but with Africans it's not to far off.

Alright cool. That's what I'll do. Trying to put this Rena filter together but this tubing is insanely hard to get on all the way lol
Got the Rena set up and running smoothly. Right now I only have filter floss in my ac 110 so I will be changing that out for rings and floss. Hopefully that will do a good job. Should I put the floss on the bottom and rings on top? That way the rings hold down the floss?
Got the Rena set up and running smoothly. Right now I only have filter floss in my ac 110 so I will be changing that out for rings and floss. Hopefully that will do a good job. Should I put the floss on the bottom and rings on top? That way the rings hold down the floss?

I always put the floss on top but asking as the water passes threw it then it doesn't really make a difference
I always put the floss on top but asking as the water passes threw it then it doesn't really make a difference

Alright cool. I forgot to add the dechlorinator so no bacteria will be growing right now lol. But I haven't used anything to seed the tank yet so no harm.
Just add it now lol or do a water change and then add and dose ammonia back up

Added the dechlorinator this morning. I would have last night but had and extremely early morning. Will seed the tank tonight when I get home to get this cycle rolling!
Just seeded the tank. I used about a 6 in by 4 in piece of filter media from my other tank. Hopefully that will be enough.

Got my filters the way I want I think.
Rena canister: bottom bio balls. Top sponges both coarse and micro.
Ac110: ceramic rings, left over bio balls I couldn't fit in the canister, and a bunch of filter floss on top. Stuck the seeding filter media in the middle of some floss.

What do you all think? The water got a little cloudy when I turned off the AC to put the new media in. But looks like it is clearing up now.
Just seeded the tank. I used about a 6 in by 4 in piece of filter media from my other tank. Hopefully that will be enough.

Got my filters the way I want I think.
Rena canister: bottom bio balls. Top sponges both coarse and micro.
Ac110: ceramic rings, left over bio balls I couldn't fit in the canister, and a bunch of filter floss on top. Stuck the seeding filter media in the middle of some floss.

What do you all think? The water got a little cloudy when I turned off the AC to put the new media in. But looks like it is clearing up now.

Sounds great! With the seeded it may cycle over night if it drops a lot raise it back up if it can drop within a 24 hour period your done. I hope it goes fast
Rena canister: bottom bio balls. Top sponges both coarse and micro.
Ac110: ceramic rings, left over bio balls I couldn't fit in the canister, and a bunch of filter floss on top. Stuck the seeding filter media in the middle of some floss.

I'm not familiar with how rena's flow but if it is bottom to top I think you may need to rearrange. Same with your AC110. AC's flow bottom to top, out the waterfall. You would want your coarse sponge at the bottom, bio in the middle and floss up top with a few bioballs on top to keep it in the filter.

The same would be true with your Rena if it is like my Fluval. You want the coarse sponge to trap all the big debris, you wouldn't want your bio balls catching all that, they will be impossible to clean .
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