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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 11, 2013
I am new to fish tanks and am thinking about a 29 gallon freshwater tank. How many gold fish can I keep in it? Can I also add other fish? Thanks!!!!!
In my experience, goldfish are horrible fish to keep. They are very dirty. But I believe it is an inch of fish for every gallon or two. I can't remember.
What other kinds of fish are easy to keep healthy? I am flexible about it.
I would like the most fish possible in the tank so I can forego goldfish. Can you recommend other kinds? Thanks!
Go to your LFS (local fish store) and look around, they usually have a little sign that tells you if the fish is aggressive semi aggressive or a peaceful community tank
Great idea. I also might do a larger tank cause people have posted larger tanks are easier to maintain.

If you really want to shop around and plan your tank for fish then Aquarium Fish: Tropical Freshwater Fish and Saltwater Fish for Home Aquariums is an excellent site to use. It offers a lot of detailed information about fish including their recommended tank sizes. When you pick a few that you like most then I would start a new thread under the general discussion forum to get tons of people's input on stocking your tank :)
Thank you very much for the site recommendation! I am sure it will be a great resource!
This is true. But they cost a lot more money, they are only easier to maintain because if a fish or plant dies, well some fish and plants, give off toxins, and in a larger tank the more water the more dilution. For ex: if u drop a capful of bleach into a 10g the fish will prob die, but in a 150g, you prob wouldn't have to care.
Also make sure you cycle your tank before adding any fish read up on a fish less cycle you need to do it so your fish are healthy when you add them. After the cycle there are loads is possibilities in a 29 gallon look into

Honey gourami
Dwarf gourami
Kuhli loach
Cory cats
Bristlenose pleco
Clown pleco
Bolivian Ram

Just to name off a few species.
I'd go with a DG and some tetras, or maybe a pair of GBR and some tetras, maybe some corys. Definitely not goldfish, they need alot of room
Here's a site for you to use once you decide what size tank you will get, and look around and think about what kinds of fish you like.
AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor
This site tells you if you've picked out acceptable fish for your tank - both in temperament, how they get along with each other and most importantly if the tank is sufficient size for the types and quantity you are considering

Just enter in your tank size, then use the list to start adding fish to the right hand column. Scroll down to see results.

You don't want to be over 100% stocked (especially if you're new) and pay close attention if it gives you warnings about the fish getting too large for your tank.

Most importantly, no matter what Aq Advisor says, NEVER buy a fish before asking on this forum :) You'll be happier for it!
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