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This is certainly a beautiful creature. I understand the attraction my hobbiests. That being said, a 55, 75 or 125gal tank is still far too small for any type of long-term habitation. As aquarists, we are challenged with providing our non-human companions with an environment that will allow them to thrive, not just survive. The fact of the matter is that this animal needs a much much larger environment to survive long-term. I would like to apologize for any of our members that came across as negative, but sometimes there is just no candy-coating things. Good luck with your decision.
Just about any ray will outgrown the tanks that most in this hobby could offer. Then what will you do with it?
LR will just get in its way, it needs a lot of sand to borough in.
IMO, we should not buy these animals and encourage LFS's to stock them.
Interesting thread . . . :)

EXVISOR13, i have a couple of ideas for you that might help. I completely hear you. My girlfriend is ready to get a ray herself. Here's our plan:
It will still be a while (maybe a year), but the first people I will call is the Denver aquarium. We have been there before and they have some beautiful rays. Most professional aquariums will actually be very helpful. That way we know what the professionals do, and I think that can prepare my girlfriend and I a little better. Plus we will get to talk to an actual marine biologist (which is what my girlfriend is in school for anyways). And the other thing we will do is START with a smaller tank. As he grows we will upgrade. May start with a 125.
That is what I am going to do with my Bala sharks too (they can get to 12 inches).
Don't know where I found it, but there is a guy who has his aquarium all over the net. It's a 500+ gallon aquarium with several stingrays in it. It's pretty cool.

Try going to It's a forum like this and there should be several stingray owners there.

Good luck and definately reports to us how it goes.
lol, i like how you referred to a 125 g tank as "starting out small". HAHA!

I think the 75 i'm getting is bloody enormous!!

...i started with a 12 gallon, ha

i'd love to get a tank that is 100's of gallons.
Before you add the ray, you're going to have to take out all of the live rock and corals. Even a 125 is small for a ray and you should plan on upgrading in the future.

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