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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 24, 2013
55g tank

2 gbr
3 bristlenose plecos
7 rummy nose tetras
4 peppered cory cats
7 xray tetras

Any suggestions?
I'd up both schools of tetras to ten, up the cories to 8 and stick with just one BN pleco myself. If you did that you could prob fit in an angel or a pearl gourami.
I really don't want angels our groumis, if anything would a couple of rainbows work? And why only one pleco?
I really don't want angels our groumis, if anything would a couple of rainbows work? And why only one pleco?

Because pleco's have a big bio load. As you probably know, common pleco's grow even to large for a 55g, they need atleast 100g tanks, not only because of size but bioload, so the fact you chose a BN is a good thing! They poop A LOT. I think you could easily do atleast 5 rainbows, depending on size. I have 5 ornate rainbows in my 55g. Rainbows are schooling fish so I would recommend atleast 5.

2 gbr
1 bristle nose pleco
8 peppered Cory
10 Xray tetras
10 rummy nose tetra
5 rainbow
Forgot to mention i have a canister filter rated for a 100g and a hob rated for 60g
If like to have some rcs would the ram eat them? What would you leave out to make room for shrimp
If like to have some rcs would the ram eat them? What would you leave out to make room for shrimp

Either drop the 10 schools down a bit or drop on completly. Shrimp would be okay, but your bottom will have cories could do it though if you'd like to..unless, how many would you like to add?
I'm only thinking like 5 i think the rcs would look cool on three black sand
I'm only thinking like 5 i think the rcs would look cool on three black sand

Could drop your schools to 8 and drop 1 cory and that would prolly work..rams might be aggressive only if you have a pair and are gonna have fry. Otherwise they shouldn't bother em
If like to have some rcs would the ram eat them? What would you leave out to make room for shrimp

You wouldn't need to leave anything out to make room for Shrimp, but Tetras and Rams will eat them. Heavily planted and crevices of wood or rock to hide in may keep some alive. But you may never see them.
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