Stocking ideas for a 100g?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 21, 2015
I'm pretty new to the hobby and I'm getting a 100 gallon or bigger soon. I like a lot of color and activity. I was thinking either an African cichlid tank or a planted community so I'd like some ideas on both. Thanks.
Hi, welcome to the AA forum :)

I can only really comment on the planted tank side. For that size tank I would do several schools of community fish, some oto's, a centre piece fish and some loaches or catfish on the bottom.

In my 150gal, I have schools of serpae tetras, mollies and rosy barbs. Bottom is bristlenose catfish and yo yo loaches. A few oto's as well. Centre piece are angelfish. Tank is high light, co2 injected.
Rainbowfish are certainly on the active and colourful side. They are super easy to care for, will eat practically anything, and some have some of the most amazing colours of any freshwater fish in my opinion. Not to mention they will follow fingers and go great with many other fish like angels, rose line sharks, and Siamese algae eaters.

Some common, really colourful species are:
Neon dwarf/praecox
Red Irian
Lake Tebera/yellow
Goyder River
I've got a mixed school of rainbows in my planted 30 currently and do like them for planted tanks I just have no idea what to put with them without copying the stock list from the 30 gallon
30 gallon is actually kinda small for quite a few rainbow species. Maybe move them to the new tank and think of something different for the 30?

Based only on footprint, i would suggest a 125g over a smaller tank. The 125 is 6ft long giving you a seemingly much larger tank.
Get a big group of zebra, angelicus or yoyo loaches! (Or all 3 and more!)

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I don't know very much at all about Africans other than a lot of them are not compatible.

Rainbows would be cool and possibly easier in an African tank due to water parameters closer to where Rainbows live. Because that's the problem I've had with an SA/CA tank. It's not suitable for them.
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