Stocking in a 50 gal with 2 Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 30, 2005
Bartlett, IL
As soon as I get my 50g up and cycled I will be moving these 2 in there:


So what else can I add? open to suggestions..
Those are common or comets ... they are fast & grow big. Generally better suited to a pond, but a 50 would do them nicely for a while, although you will want to think of bigger digs when they get really big (like 12"+).

There are not a lot of good tankmates for commons, esp. in a small setup. You can consider a "dwarf" single tailed goldfish (like the shubunkins), but even they get too big for your tank. <They get to be 8-10", but are fast swimmers & ideally would need a 6-8' long tank.>

Double tailed fancy goldfish generally cannot compete with commons (not fast enough), the one exception being a metalic fantail. This may be a way to gradually transition your tank to a fancy goldfish tank.

Snails of all sorts are good with the commons, although you want to avoid small ones as they will be eaten.

A dwarf pleco (like a bristle nose or rubberlip) may be OK, but you want a good size fish ... babies will get eaten.
Those are common or comets ... they are fast & grow big. Generally better suited to a pond, but a 50 would do them nicely for a while, although you will want to think of bigger digs when they get really big (like 12"+).


when they are ready to go bigger they will be offered to a new home. I am not too thrilled my kids got them to be honest. They won them at a school carnival and the mom that bought and bagged 80 of these had no idea what she was buying I think. I would give them away now, but my kids say otherwise.

I have nothing against Goldfish, but in a 50 Gal tank I would really like more then just 2 fish.. LOL

At least my 55 will have cichlids.

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