Stocking question in 55 gal...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 27, 2004
Central NJ
I am looking to set up my 55 gal with African cousin has a 75 gal tank with a few Africans, couple plecos, couple clown loaches, and a pictus cat...he has had this set up for almost a year with no problems...i LOVE the way it looks!

I'm thinking that the set up i want to do would be a beautiful tank to keep...
1 Electric Yellow Cichlid
1 Electric Blue Cichlid
1 Red Zebra Cichlid
1 Acei Cichlid
1 Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Pictus Cat
1 Clown Loach

I have a sand substrate and I will be making a custom castle with plenty of hiding spots for all the fish...

I am currently running an Aqua Clear 110 filter...

What do you all think about that set up? Will it work? How should I go about introducing the fish to the tank? All of the fish would be purchased at the same size...1"-2"...what should i put in the tank first? how long should i go inbetween introducing new members?

thanks in advance...
hrm.. i have 3 of those fishies in my 55 gal and they seem to get along fine, except when im trying to feed the catfish at night... the yellow lab and blue johannis try to grab their food, but the catfish do set them straight..

the cichlids on numerous occasions have brought food to the catfish (killed a few danios and the catfish disposed of them)
I've been checking out a site..., they seem to have a TON of cichlids at GREAT prices...i beleive they have ALL species of them...truly remarkable...i was going to order mine from if this site has this kind of selection at the prices they have...WOW...

as far as smaller fish, i wont be putting in any smaller fish...

Can I add an eel to this mix? I have always kind of wanted an that I have sand...I figure I could do it???

if so...what kind of eel? i dont want anything too big...
I would skip the clown loach. They prefer to be in groups and from what I've read they tend to not fair well in african cichlid tanks.
I found this site has a good selections of fish and the prices are decent. Looking at getting some for my 125 gal when I get it.
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