stupid betta!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2003
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
ok so my male bettas bubble nest is finally big enough i let the female go in the tank when she was ready.... he will chase her around and then under the bubble nest ... but here lies the problem she will swim right to the top and destroy the nice big nest ...doesn't she like it... what should i do .. should i try another female or what???
If your female and male fighter are getting on and they are not beating the crap out of each other, i would leave them to it and in the end they will get it right. male fighters are very fussy about there mates and they don't get on with all females, so if you have found a compatable pair i would leave them alone.
If there is any sign of aggression towards each other, male to female or female to male then i would say change one of them. But you could go on like that for ages. I always think that it is a good idea to place a few females in with the male and let him pick the one he wants, and take the rest back to your LFS. if you explain to the store what you are doing they should be OK when you take them back. That's what i do in my store and it works well.
it is not that they are fighting too much and i do have other females but i was wondering if it is just that bubble nest that she doesn't like or if maybe she is gay or something????lol but if i put her with a different male if she would be fine?

(i really like her colors and i want her and him to breed)
Maybe you should try putting them together but isolating one of them (female) letting the couple get used to each other but limiting the space of the female. There are many ways of doing this. The one i liked the most was one where the female was inside an acrylic "cube" with holes punched in it (lol, my english sucks). This way both could get acquainted to being together and after a few hours of swimming and swiming the female could be a little less active and ready to mate, also this would give some kind of insentive to the male to start building up the nest.
Good Luck!
Hope you can post a pic of em
Bettas should be acclimated to each other for about a week before you place them in the same tank. Take two large vases, place them next to each other with the male and female in each. Let them sit next to each other for a week, when the male has built the bubble nest and the female's bell is full of eggs, place her in the tank with the male. Watch carefully. When he's courting it will sort o flook like he's being aggressive. Eventually he will wrap himself around her and they will mate. The female will then go to the bubble nest where she will lay the eggs and the male will help place them inside. Once they're done REMOVE the female. He will immediatly start being aggressive to her. Eggs take 24-36 hours to hatch. Once they hatch, remove the male to another tank.
I have 6 bettas but I know nothing about breeding, I've been studying it though on a site that has extremely good step by step process for breeding IMO. The Website is Hope there's a new addition to the family soon I can't wait to have my own. :D

Scott :morning:
LOL! What a picky female! Guess he will just have to try harder to please her by building a better nest.
Leave them alone for now, the less you disterb them the better. If they have not spawned with in 3 days then re-condition for a couple days and try again or try a new female or male.

The nest isn't a major deal. Bettas will spawn with only a few bubbles or none at all. As long as the pair is ready then thats all that matters. Most males will fix up the nest after spawning anyway, and then there are the ones who are just to dumb to make a nest and end up creating more work for themselves. lol

If you would like some more pointers I would be happy to help (I have a few females like that also :roll: its a pain in the butt)

Good luck with your spawn!
well im trying a different male and female ... he my favorite and was sold to me as a female but about two weeks after i got him he made a rather large bubble nest and i figured out the she was a he his fins are rather short and have only grown only a little bit in the time that i have had him but he is by far the most beautiful male that i own and i also think that he is a little smarter then my other males..(but dont tell them i said that)... and he is alway trying to push the female to the bubble nest by nudging her with his tail but she dont really want anything to do with that but it is just do cute he is so gentle.
i dont really know how old he is i got him from wal-mart (i know but they do have some really pretty ones there i even saw a blue and yellow one there yesterday i almost got him but my friend already think that i m weird so i really dont need to prove them right)but i have had him bout 2 months.... and know for sure that he is a male now that i really checked it out... his fins are twice as long as any female that i have ever had... but not as long as any male that i have ever had
Well some bettas are just TSTB (to stupid to spawn, lol), but others just need time. Hopefully your next pair will spawn for you.

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