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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 14, 2006
Puyallup, WA
So, here I am, a n00b. I've had aquariums all around me most of my life, mostly freshwater, one big saltwater. Haven't had any tanks for a few years (we moved) so this year I decided to set one up for myself, and jumpstarted my whole family into getting tanks again (we now have 7-9 tanks). I'm a 17 year old homeschooled student taking college courses and drum lessons. I play drums, guitar, bass, keyboard... Also had a job in a software company before I left to hit school harder. I have a 9 year old brother, and my dad, mom, brother and I live in Puyallup, WA.
I currently have a 36 gallon corner bowfront aquarium with my prized Electric Blue lobster, 5 neon tetras, a few ghost shrimp, two plecos (YAY), a breeding pair of swordtails, breeding pair of fancy guppies, a borino sucker (confirmation that there IS such a thing? I bought it from my LFS, the Wild Side.), a few zebra danios, 3 paradise blue gourami males, and some baby guppies in a breeding tank. Any suggestions on "your tank would look awesome with a ___" are welcome, I have a few java sword things, an amazon sword, and a couple of those tall ones with big leaves at the top. My filtration system is a Cascade 600 internal filter which I love. So...yep! That's just me. :)


  • cimg0656__large__138.jpg
    122.9 KB · Views: 70
Welcome to AA, your sure to get some great tips here.

That's a lot of fish for a tank that size, especially if they're breeding pairs.
Hope your doing good water changes.

the plants and gravel look fantastic, always loved the dark gravel.

Any chance of a pic of the lobster? How does he get along with the other fish?
Welcome and AWESOME! I am homeschooled to! its neat to meat another homschooled fish guy! :D your tank looks awesome BTW! what light is that? im looking forward to talking to you!
Thanks for the welcomes!
I didn't think it was a lot of fish for my tank, maybe I have bad perception, the breeding pairs don't have babies IN that tank, that's why I have the breeding tank.
The pic of the lobster is on my avatar + profile, I can post a bigger one if needed [edit: posted!], he doesn't eat any fish and I haven't noticed any fin pinching. he will eat a dead fish but I haven't had very many of those. any time I put in a cube of bloodworms or shrimp, once it sinks to the bottom he will eat it all.
My light is a double tube that came with the all-glass aquarium. They say at the LFS that the bulbs are the same as power-glo bulbs. I haven't tested that theory... anyone with info on what light tube I might have in there feel free to let me know. They only say "all-glass" on them, but are very bright and kinda blueish.


  • lobster_131.jpg
    132.9 KB · Views: 41
Welcome to AA! That is a great pic of your lobster. You've been lucky with him and the other fish. Must have a pacifist.
Welcome to AA!... These guys have already helped me tremendously...
That lobster has to be one of the coolest creatures that I have seen... I want one
I hope you see yours more than I see mine. I have one in my reef tank and probably seen him 5 times in 6 yrs. Yours looks very nice
Awesome set up! I had a lobster just like that in a 130g community and he never bothered anyone. Great at cleaning up pellets and bloodworms though ;)
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