Tank background

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2004
There are no silly questions, right? :oops:

Our tank is against a wall... FO ... and the wall is a terrible back drop. A few years ago we bought a photo background, quite nice actually. We wetted it and squeegied it on but it's now all bubbly and ugly. Is there a trick to getting looking nice? Just tape it on maybe? We really like the look when it's squeegied on (like window tinting on your car) but just can't get the darn air bubbles to stay out.

Any thoughts?
are their cheap places to get the straight blue background online? my LFS doesnt have anything big enough for my tank.
Can do like I did and use a can of spray paint !
or you can use a brush with some enamal.
I used spraypaint and masked off the whole tank and had no problems.

I mentioned this in another topic but no one commented. Another option for backgrounds is those foil backgrounds. I don't know if anyone else has seem them at their lfs but around here a few of them have them. It's just a colored foil type wrap that is actually made for florists to place around pots so they don't look so plain or dirty. They are easily shaped so you can make it look like caves or something,3d, and you just tape them on... Does anyone have any opinions about that type of background? If anyone does like them, chances are you can get the foil cheaper at a flower shop than at the pet store... of course that has been my experience but you just never know... You may be able to find something like that at a craft store.. you'd get a good price on a larger quantity which would only be good if you have a use for more than just a tanks worth. But at the lfs or flower shop you can just tell them how much you need... They come in a pretty good selection of colors and sometimes patterns. My onle concern with patterns or even scenery type backgrounds, is when you start getting algae or anything on the glass the background looks dirty... if it's a solid color, imo, it looks more natural... just my thoughts...
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