Teen aquarists

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
How about:
2- koi angelfish
1- bulldog pleco
5- clown loaches
10- glass catfish
5- cardinal tetra
5- blue tetra
10- Denison barbs

The barb/angel combo could get interesting, denisons are not the most peaceful fish in the world.

Is a RO/DI filter a must?They're pretty expensive.

The need for clean water increases as tank size decreases. Not that big tanks can or should be dirty, but small tanks are super delicate in SW. All SW tanks really should use RO water unless your tap is immaculate. You can get RO water from the grocery store, but that quickly adds up to be more than the cost of the RO unit itself. If cost is a huge issue, on ebay purewaterclub.com has a portable unit for $66. It will work fine, your fish and/or corals will thank you.
Live aquaria has good suggestions

clown goby
clownfish (ocellaris)
blue/green chromis
yellowstriped cardinal
court jester goby
scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
nerite snails
dwarf red tip hermits

These are just the ones I want. All of the cooler fish need way bigger tanks. Tell what you would put together out of this list.
Case closed! I'm getting one for my acrylic tank!

Sweet. Where do you plan to get one though? I love mantis shrimp and the first time I saw one in action, I was left speechless. I can't even crack a clam with a hammer as fast as it can. Lol
Sweet. Where do you plan to get one though? I love mantis shrimp and the first time I saw one in action, I was left speechless. I can't even crack a clam with a hammer as fast as it can. Lol

I know! its impressive :p I think ill order one from live aquaria or maybe even tell the manager to send one in for me. His suppliers are much cheaper.
Hiiiiiii I missed the entire conversation so I have no idea what your talking about. :lol:
Today is the second day of lowering the nitrites. Im going to test it right now and if its still high, ill do a 20% change and leave the lights off for the rest of the day. If its a good level, ill feed my fishies and turn on the light :D I am so lucky that nobody died through the nitrite spike!
Today is the second day of lowering the nitrites. Im going to test it right now and if its still high, ill do a 20% change and leave the lights off for the rest of the day. If its a good level, ill feed my fishies and turn on the light :D I am so lucky that nobody died through the nitrite spike!

Good luck!
Just added my coral light to my reef. It's not really that blue in person


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