Teen aquarists

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Grabbed a tiger and a zebra, I wanted to take my gold and blue apple snails, but I left them in the larger tank becuase I want them to breed.

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Stocking options please! I have completely ripped apart my 10 gallon tank and started over so I need some stocking options...my killifish just weren't working out so something tolerant of bright light will be needed.

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Stocking options please! I have completely ripped apart my 10 gallon tank and started over so I need some stocking options...my killifish just weren't working out so something tolerant of bright light will be needed.

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Scarlet badis, shrimp colony, celestial pearl danios, threadfin rainbow, dwarf puffer.
Look at coursair's profile on their albums. Their 10gal is pretty cool
A betta, adf, amano shrimp, nerites. Maybe a few male guppies.

I second the shrimp colony!! Grab some amanos, they don't reproduce but they are really cool. They will be your contrast. Then grab some red cherries if you want them and that will be your colony.
What I'm wanting to do with my 10 is have a large shrimp colony and keep CPDs an a scarlet badis pair. That's like dream 10 gal
Hmmm...do i need a 5 gallon tank to culture brine shrimp or blood worms or black worms or daphnia...

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