Tetras with cichlids?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 21, 2012
Burlington, VT
I have a 20 gallon tank and I want a school of 6-8 tetras, but I also want 2-4 cichlids that breed easily but will not grow to big or be agresive. It would also nice but not totally necissary if they would protect babies in their mouth for easy removal. Any suggestions on a type of cichlid that I could get at pet co or a local pet shop? (and are they freindly with shrimp?)

Thanks, Sean
Moved to Cichlid Discussion.

Apistogramma, Microgeophagus, Nannacara, Laetacara would work in your tank with your tetras, but none are mouthbrooders and it is likely that they will eat shrimp.
20 gallon is too small for most cichlids. Maybe apistios or shellies. I dont know about either of them though.
Pair of rams would fit but don't know what they would be like with shrimp
Dwarfs are the only options but I don't believe any are mouthbrooders. Maybe get a pair of mouthbrooder bettas???
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