Think I'm cycled?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 5, 2011
Ammonia readings are steady at 0 . Nitrites have been 0 for 2 days now. What confuses me is that I had ammonia readings for over a month. Got a seeded sponge from angels plus, ammonia went down and nitrites began showing up. But nitrites were only as high as .50. No spike at all and like I said they are now 0. What do you think?
Ammonia readings are steady at 0 . Nitrites have been 0 for 2 days now. What confuses me is that I had ammonia readings for over a month. Got a seeded sponge from angels plus, ammonia went down and nitrites began showing up. But nitrites were only as high as .50. No spike at all and like I said they are now 0. What do you think?

It looks good. The seeded sponge can help immensely. If you wanted to be totally sure you could keep dosing ammonia for another few days. If ammonia and nitrite stay at 0 during that time then you can start adding fish. :D
It's a fish in cycle so no dose. I will keep testing and if still no nitrites then do u think I'm good?
It's a fish in cycle so no dose. I will keep testing and if still no nitrites then do u think I'm good?

Oh sorry! lol I thought it was fishless. :facepalm:

What size tank and what fish do you have in there now and what are you planning on adding? You could wait another few days anyway just to make sure the ammonia and nitrite stay at 0 and then you can start adding a couple of fish at a time very slowly, always testing daily after you add fish and do any water changes if anything spikes.
Even with no nitrite spike too? Is that common or can it happen like that?
38gallon. 2 rasboras. 1 pleco. 1 cory. And 2 black neons that now have Ich. Using heat and salt so no new fish for at least 2 1/2 weeks.
Even with no nitrite spike too? Is that common or can it happen like that?

It can with enough seeded media, sometimes you don't even see nitrites at all. Plus remember you've been cycling with fish for a while so your filters have bacteria on them as well. The new seeded sponge just added more bacteria which is probably helping convert ammonia faster so you aren't seeing nitrites.
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