Thinking of 150 gallon african

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 6, 2011
Upstate NY
I want to do a semi-aggressive African tank. I am a African rookie. I have only tried a couple peacocks in the past. I have had lots of South Americans, but from what I am reading it seems like a different world. I will just list some questions that I have been thinking of, then I will get to the stocking.

The pH in my other tanks (65g & 20g)is 7.2-7.4 and very stable, so I assume it is going to be the same with the new tank because I plan on using the same decorations(fake plants,creek rocks from my backyard,and black silica sand). Is that to low to keep them healthy and happy?

Is it best to keeps pairs for aggression problems? Or, will keeping one of each create more or less aggression?

Would a school of danio, or larger congos help or hurt?

Should I try to introduce them all as juveniles?

This is my stock idea.
4 different peacocks (all the same sex?)
1 yellow lab
1 compressiceps
8 Congo tetras
1 bichir
1 frontosa
1 Pleco
1 large cat fish

This tank will be in a basement bar. I am looking for a lot of color and activity, but I also want the fish to be pleasant, and not to aggressive. I also don't want a Mbuna, I am looking for more variety. If I could do that and fit a couple more peacocks that would be cool too.
I have strictly african and notice keeping the same breed of fish either one or two groups together but yet i only have 20 and 30 g set up so bigger tank u can prob go with a few more variety of groups but i would suggest having more than just one of a kind try goin with 2-3 of each group and try minimize the male to female ratio like many suggest 1 male to 3 female well good luck
I'm big on variety. Different sizes, shapes, attitudes. No one has a stock similar to mine? Is it even realistic?
I'm big on variety. Different sizes, shapes, attitudes. No one has a stock similar to mine? Is it even realistic?

Well... I have peacocks, yellow labs. 2 plecos, 1 synodontis, 1 African feather fin, loaches, Mbuna's and 1 frontosa. That's almost what you listed lol. No tetras though.

I had tiger barbs they didn't last and neither did the giant danios that I had. Oh but I do have 1 red tailed shark.

I have ALOT of attitude lol, makes for a very interesting tank.
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Maaaaaaan... You know I'm a NW guy but his tank is SICK!

Con your tank is no slouch either. You need to step it up to a 6'er I have no doubt it would be just as BA as the videos you posted.

Thanks' yeah Lou's tank is insane!! He has some really good videos. One day I'll upgrade and when I do... LOOK OUT! lol :)
the pH in my other tanks (65g & 20g)is 7.2-7.4 and very stable, so I assume it is going to be the same with the new tank because I plan on using the same decorations(fake plants,creek rocks from my backyard,and black silica sand). Is that to low to keep them healthy and happy?

As long as your not planning on keeping wild caught then it should be fine. It is at the lower end so just make sure it doesn't drop lower. If it does then crushed coral will be the way to raise it by putting a bag in the filter.

is it best to keeps pairs for aggression problems? Or, will keeping one of each create more or less aggression?

Keeping bigger groups will make the colors stand out more IMO. Some if stocked as just one or two of the same will be super aggressive towards each other.

would a school of danio, or larger congos help or hurt?

They may work and may not. Some fish they leave alone and some they don't.

should I try to introduce them all as juveniles?

It works best adding them all at a smaller size and letting them grow up together IMO.

this is my stock idea.
4 different peacocks (all the same sex?)
1 yellow lab
1 compressiceps
8 Congo tetras
1 bichir
1 frontosa
1 Pleco
1 large cat fish

I would add more labs they will be fine together. It will make it look like there is more yellow in the tank.

I had a large catfish that I re homed due t they would always fight. Also depending on the one you get if it gets big it may pick off some of the little fish in the tank.

this tank will be in a basement bar. I am looking for a lot of color and activity, but I also want the fish to be pleasant, and not to aggressive. I also don't want a Mbuna, I am looking for more variety. If I could do that and fit a couple more peacocks that would be cool too.

Yellow labs are a mbuna. In my experience I can get more than two males of peacocks to color up in one tank.
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