too many fish??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 22, 2011
im just wondering if the fish im thinking about getting for my tank would be too much for it to handle? atm i have 5 neon tetra, and 1 rubberlip pleco. i would like to purchase some corydoras but im not sure how many will be too many. i feel like i only have room for 2-3 but ive heard that they prefer groups of 4-6+. i dont want sad, lonly fish, and i also dont want sad, overcrowded fish. :-(

i have an anubias plant and 2.... and a half, amazon swords. thinking about adding some java moss to my driftwood. all in all, would this be an alright setup for happy fish?
Thanks for your time :)
I think you could add 4 corys. But I wouldn't keep the pleco. They get to big for 10g tanks.
a rubberlip will still get too big? he's still pretty small so i'd keep him for a while longer. MAYBE 2inches. i heard they didnt grow too large though... altho i think i heard that from petsmart... so that could easily be incorrect.
Yeah, you could add four pygmy cories. The rubber lip pleco is too big for that tank, I'd say if you gave him a thirty gallon, he'd be super happy, IMO.
thanks for the info! :) i think i will give my pleco to my gf's dad. he previously had a pleco, about 12inches, but it died. he still has the tank for it set up.
i hope i will be able to find a place to buy pygmy cories :-( ive been looking and there are no good fish stores near by. petsmart is where i have to go for everything....
Also, if you decide to go with cories, please consider buying a nano species, such as hasbrosus (I think), or pygmy or dwarf. Some cories (like emerald cories and most species) get too big for a 10g.
You could keep him in there for a while. They are indeed a smaller than normal pleco. Being that they only get around 7". You could keep him for bit if you're planning on getting a bigger tank someday. Like in the next year or so.

As far as adding corys with a pleco I wouldn't. There's not enough bottom space for other bottom dwellers.
see this is what bugs me though... because i basicly HAVE to go to petsmart, its very difficult to get any "specific" fish. the cories that they "advertise" have information with them saying that they can be in a 10+ tank, but i am worried that these are not as you said "a nano species". the other descriptions are, "peppered small cory, green small cory, " and something else that is "large"

Brochis splendens
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What about a panda cory? Those are pretty common, and severum mama says you can squeeze 4 in a 10g, so I'd listen to her!
lol... its petsmart... they only have "Brochis splendens" the cory stated above, and they have Albino cory cats.... which look scary.
Brochis splendens are emerald cory cats, a no no for your tank. Albino cory cats are also too big, I think. Maybe you should stick with snails or shrimp.
Pygmy cories are well and good but they are very sensitive. How long has your tank been setup? you could do 3 or 4 panda cories or even julii cories. they are slightly smaller than standard.

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