Trimming Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 22, 2006
Lexington Park, MD
My Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) is growing like mad and needs to be trimmed. I'm fairly new to a lot of aquarium plants (in previous tanks I stuck to apons, swords, and a few other plants), and am trying lots of new plants to vary my aquascapes in my new tanks.

For the Wisteria, should I just cut off the top 1/3?

Or should I trim less of the top and separate the plant itself (like I do some of the perennials in my outside garden in the spring)?

Can the trimmings be rooted to make new plants?
Wisteria, like most stem plants can simply be topped. You can either replant the tops, let the bottoms continue growing, or both. You'll get neater growth from replanting the tops, but bushier growth from leaving the bottoms. It's up to you and the look that you want to achieve.
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