Tripical Fish Secrets ?

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Shady was the word I was thinking while reading some of that. Plus if it's dooooo darn good why does he ramble on and on for like 4 pages....
I would bet that all "the secrets" are well known facts by most aquarists that take are of their tanks and fish. Maybe some of it would help some beginners but why pay $27 when you can come here and learn way more, don't have to pay, and get to meet folks with similair interests...

There was a time before I found AquariumAdvice...and I didn't know much about keeping fish. I ordered my first 90 gallon for a FW tank....I had 1 week to learn everything I needed to know before setting it up...I needed a nice concise reference....I thought this one would fit the bill. I also wanted an electric format so I can take with me and read on my PDA, and this information is in PDF Format. So I flocked over the $27 for it.

Did I get some useful information: Yes
Was is worth $27: Probably not

I read it nearly a year ago...and I don't remember seeing much that I remember that was blatantly wrong or anything. For a beginner looking some general is pretty good. There is quite a bit on breeding. It is written in format like I would write it myself to friend or something. If it were not for this...I would have NOT known what laterite was and I would not have had the opportunity to the bottom of my tank before adding other substrate. The fish profiles are nice...and gives what seems like some hands on advice for some fish.

If you are in a position as I can consider it. I also checked into the website that actually sells it...and it looked pretty legit.

As for secrets....I did not find secrets...but I found information...more information that I got from my LFS...which then I researched further on AA before doing anything.

It's probably a decent book, but I'm sure you'd find all the same information right here, or in any other good aquarium book.
Personally, I prefer to go to a bookstore and look through a book before buying it. Often, I end up finding a different book that I like better, plus a few that I had not planned on getting!. Although I love Amazon, I guess there's still something to be said for the brick-and-mortar bookshop. :wink:

BTW, my "secret " to tropical fish is the simple water change. It's quick and cheap. IME, there are few aquarium issues that a 20% water change wont clear up, at least temporarily.
Secret #1--Buy a heater
Secret #2--Clean your tank
Secret #3--???

Please send money to me to hear secret number 3 through 509,897
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