turbo snails, messy cleaners!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 27, 2005
Melbourne Australia
i bough 3 turbo snails 2 weeks ago for my 55G FOWLR tank to help with the cleaning of the tank, eat the algae off the glass etc.

they seem to be making more mess than they are cleaning, snail poo everywhere!

i tried vacing it up, but it's near impossable with the CC substrate as it's light, it wont pick it up to well.

is 3 T snails to much for a 55G?

or is there somwthing i can get live stock wise that will clean the cleaners.. ?
I have 3 turbos and an acena sp? snail and they leave poo trails here and there but in a few days they are gone b/c the bacteria eats em up.

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