Turned to the Darkside (sorta)...Sorry HUKIT!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 18, 2012
So I tore down my 39 gallon full of misfit new worlds (including rehoming my beloved guianacara geayi and laetacara thayeri, among other fish, my 75 new world is at full capacity) and turned it into a Tanganyikan tank. I figured my multies could use the extra room, and I've always wanted cyrprichromis (thinking about leptosoma "mpimbwe" but am open to suggestions!).

Currently it sits at:
8 neolamprologus multifasciatus (4 adults, 4 juveniles, some fry)
2 julidochromis marlieri "black" (juvenile)
1 altolamprologus calvus "black" (baby)
1 lamprologus leleupi
1 bristlenose
1 lemon drop bristlenose
Handful of ghost shrimp

Going to add 6-8 cyrprichromis leptosoma of some sort, just not sure. If I do the mpimbwe, I'll have a lot of black and yello, so I may just go with utinta, let me know what you all think!





Hahahaha I still have my 75!

I was given a whole colony of snowball shrimp for free from the owner of my favorite LFS, so I needed the 6.6 gallon that my multies were in, so I put them in the 39, sold off my fish that were in the 39, and put the shrimp in the 6.6. He also gave me 2 ancistrus pucallpa gold fry, but they didn't make it :(
What a perfect tank for some Cryptoheros cutteri, it's never to late I've got lots!


Anyways it looks really good, any other plans for some more holey rock to stack up higher? Those tall tanks are tough to scape sometimes.

Is that just play sand, I like the texture?

Here is a GCCA member who sells for $3 a pound at the swaps and always has nice pieces.

Holey Rock
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Those the turquoise in the back! There's a few people I know here in Michigan that have been keeping them

I was thinking about adding more holey rock, but I think I've decided to keep it low, and put some nice tall jungle Val in the back corner(s), especially where the fake plant is. The other plants are some various anubias species and a Madagascan lace (although not sure ill keep it in here and it was doing great in the 75)
Those the turquoise in the back! There's a few people I know here in Michigan that have been keeping them

Yes Herichthys sp. turquoise, find me more please this one didn't care for his wife:(

I was thinking about adding more holey rock, but I think I've decided to keep it low, and put some nice tall jungle Val in the back corner(s), especially where the fake plant is. The other plants are some various anubias species and a Madagascan lace (although not sure ill keep it in here and it was doing great in the 75)

Sounds like a good plan.
Is that just play sand, I like the texture

Holey Rock

Yup, just play sand

And speaking of sand, let the digging wars commence! The multies always try to bury the other females' shells lol I guess they're comfortable enough in the tank now that they're redecorating
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