Two Platys are bent ?!?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 3, 2020
Hey so,

I am extremely confused right now. I went on vacation for 10 days and since I’m back I vacuumed my tank (40% water change because I noticed a weird tint and I want to avoid any algae) and put in fresh bacteria starter and stress coat. Then I noticed that two of my Mickey Mouse platys backs are slightly curved like an oblong “S”. No other critters in my tank have any issues, but to be safe I put those two in my sick tank with stress coat, bacteria start, and a dose of melafix. I also dosed my 10 gal just to be safe because my tank sitter said one looked like she had Popeye, but her eye had gone back to normal before I got back and she’s doing great now. Could the spines be due to aggression or injury? I read something about fish TB but they’re healthy aside from that and I’m worried about what to do with them. (For reference my ammonia sensor says its in the safe range and my PH is around 6.6)

Do you have the liquid kits for ammonia and nitrite? And how old is the sensor. Those are a great warning flag for a short period of time but don’t rely on them when trying to diagnose an active problem.

Could you clarify the situation and time course?Tank size, tankmates parameters, how long you have had the dish etc. all the lovely details in the sticky thread at the top of this forum.

Good idea to separate in case it is TB.
Have you noticed any fry in the tank? Livebearers can sometimes have difficulty in giving birth and end up with a bent spine.
If you think it is TB then make sure you wash your hands after contact with the fish/water.

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