up grading to 220g

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 3, 2003
New Hampshire
I am Up grading from a 55 gallon FOWLR (I think most of the live rock is dead) to a 220 gallon, My 55 is stock with 7 small fish and only run by a wet/dry and a whisper filter. It has been set up for about 2 1/2 years. This time I will have much better lighting and a nice tank with built in overflow. Later Down the road I would like to try corals and other things, What is the best way to filer such a huge tank? Thanks Lisa and fish
How large is your wet/dry? Most of the people on this site will use a sump with live rock rubble instead of bio-balls for filtration. The "dead live rock" you have can be reincarnated, also. You can get a Rubbermaid tub and cycle it on its own with regular water changes,and also a protein skimmer(if you have one). You might want to clean it off first using a brush, to get all the nasty stuff off it. You will definitely need a good protein skimmer, especially for a reef tank.
the wet/dry is only build for a 55g so that will be up graded too along with the sump thats in there. my husband want to build one. He's a plumber so hes good at that stuff. we thought we would use the bio balls we have now and buy more to and to it. Then we thought of buying a canister filter and a protein skimmer big enough for a 220. any other ideas or brands you recommend?
YOu should look at building a skimmer if your hubby is a plumber I'm sure he could swing it. There are some nice plans around for DIY ones and you could have a nice custom one that will be beefy enough for your tank.
With a tank that large, I would definitely go with a sump. You will also want a decent skimmer (rated for 300-400 gal.) as some manufacturers overa rate their products. LR is great for biological filtration (330lbs - 480lbs.). I would not recommend a canister filter on a tank this large.
Filtration should be around 2200 gph in turnover.
Built in overflow is the way to go on a tank this large. Good thinking.


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