upon further evaluation, updated loss list from my trip away

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Tank 1: 10 gal: none
Tank 2: 29 gal: 2 emerald cories missing without a trace at all. Nothing. Looked under decor and substrate, looked in filters. No sign of them. Also 1 dead and badly decomposed angel (had no eyes left when i found him)
Tank 3: 20 gal: two small green tiger barbs...Also no trace of them, but i think the lobster ate them. 1 candy stripe pleco (i accidentally buried him in substrate on cleaning the tank when i returned and did not find him for hours =( i cried.)
Tank 4: 20 gal: none
Tank 5: hosp: none

Total loss: 6 =(
wow fishy, i am really sorry for your loss. I lost 1 male guppy, three zebra danios(one long finned), and two white cloud mountain minnows, and, the biggest, one of my 9" butterfly koi who jumped out. I hate going away. I am really sorry for your loss.

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