what is this slime?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 30, 2006
what in the world is this? it started out as fine strands of green algae wraped around the plant and now it's just become this bubble filled slime. what is it and how do i get rid of it?


That's cyanobacter, AKA blue-green algae. Nasty, awful stuff and no good for your plants. Try taking a small sample out of the tank and smelling it. Does it smell simply awful? :lol:

BGA (Blue-Green Algae) is almost always caused by a nutrient imbalance in your tank. You need to test your tank water for NO3 and PO4 levels. There are some great stickies in this forum that can help you. Give them a read and let us know if you've got any questions. We can definitely set you on the right path :)
It can also be caused by poor current in the tank. Adjusting the water output of your filter and adding a powerhead are a couple of ways to fix the issue if it is indeed caused by poor water flow.

For more detailed info check out Steve Hampton's Site.
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