Whats the best Alkalinity level

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 8, 2011
Alberta canada
Well as the title states I want to know what everyone keeps their alkalinity level at. I have been following a thread on dosing alk and am curious as to what level yields the best growth, color and stability. I know carbonate hardness has an effect on calcium levels so on that note what do you strive to maintain for calcium also? I have found my alk declining and have been on the prowl for a method of dosing. I am going to go with a 2 part dosing system once things level out but for now my calcium is high and alk low so I've been using baking soda. What is the best 2 part system? I know BRS has one available but the seachem system adds other trace elements. Then there is kent. I want experiences and details folks, likes and dislikes along with the why's. a quick google search can easily tell a person a range of what's acceptable but acceptable isn't acceptable. I want to know a balance to shoot for that will make everything happy, healthy and grow in the same manner. Fire away everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure if there is a best answer to your question. I believe Alkalinity is just a summation of your chemical mixture of water. They call it a balancing act. There is an inverse effect and also direct effect between them. It is up to you how much level you want for each.
I've read that article before. It just has a general guideline of what to keep things at. I assume so long as the parameters are within those guidelines a person should have a happy and healthy tank that sees steady growth.

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