What's the deal with silicone?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 7, 2005
Massachusetts USA
Hi! I'm posting this under plants because we talk about aquascaping here too:

I want to use silicone to set up background cork among other pieces in the aquarium. The Silicone I just bought from the hardware store (in an attempt to avoid the overpriced fs brands which I usually buy) is "DAP" Household Adhesive 100% silicone. HOWEVER, the directions state: "Not recommended for continuous underwater use." Advice?

Thanks in advance...

(I posted this in an existing forum under glue or something, but I think it will get lost there. Sorry if I'm littering the board a tad.)
100% silicone is supposed to be fine as far as safety for fish. It is used to seal aquarium glass and I cannot see how it could not be good for continuous underwater use. Many people on this site use it.
Best bet is to use only silicone that is listed as for aquarium use, as many have added anti-fungals, which can prove fatal to fish if they leach into the water. GE 'Silicone I' and 1700 series silicones are safe.
DAP has a "AQUARIUM 100% SILICONE" product. Packaging is blue. FWIW, I only used this product instead of their household 100% silicone, since I figured there's a reason it says its safe for aquariums. I've purchased it from both HD and ACE hardware for around $5 -- not much more than the household stuff and about a third of the price/oz than LFS.
That is worth a lot, actually. I will try to find it at a local hardware store. It's just so wrong, how fs's jack up all the prices- feeding on our fear that we will harm our fish!
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