what's wrong with tank?? fish not thriving

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 8, 2008
I have a 20 gallon tank. A few days after my ryukin died two weeks ago (7 yrs old) I cleaned the tank (vacuum, water change, rinsed filter with tank water). A couple of days later I tested the water and all came back fine (0 ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph =7.6). Temp is about 80. I headed off to the fish store and bought 3 platys and 3 mollies. I give them one pinch of tropical flakes daily that the store gave. About 5 days later (yesterday) I found one of the mollies dead. Now I see that one of the platys is sitting on the rocks in a corner quite a bit. I retested the water and again all is fine. I plan to have it retested at the fish store, but what could be the problem???
Sorry to hear about your fish bud :(

What size filter are you using and what are you using as a filter media? Also, how long are your lights on throughout the day? Are there plenty of hiding spots in the tank? Too much time in the lights and not enough hide spots are common stress causers that can kill fish.

It uses a medium sized floss filter (aqueon quietflow). lights are on 8am-6pm. Right now I just have gravel and a small ornament. The fish is not hiding behind it though. I guess I should put the driftwood I have back in and add some plants? Thanks for the quick reply!
It uses a medium sized floss filter (aqueon quietflow). lights are on 8am-6pm. Right now I just have gravel and a small ornament. The fish is not hiding behind it though. I guess I should put the driftwood I have back in and add some plants? Thanks for the quick reply!

Hey no problem!

I would definitely add a few more hide spots, and possibly bring your water temp down a few degrees. Other than that you should be fine with the filter and everything else. When was the last time you changed the filter pad out?
its due to be changed but I didn't want to do it too close to the water change and introduction of new fish. Driftwood is in now and I will pick up some plants today. thanks for your advice!
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