What's your favorite video game or one that you play the most?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 6, 2012
Over the dark rainbow
I'll be the second poster on here, and here just post what's your favorite video game (Xbox, PS3, DS, Wii, PC games, etc.), or one that you play the most. I personally like the Halos, I play them mostly at my friends' houses. What about you?
Favorite game of all time is final fantasy 7. Most recent games that are my favs are batman arkham city, Max Payne 3, and black ops zombies and final fantasy 13-2
Xbox 360, and almost all sports games and shooters. I'm nasty at all the call of duties, as well as battlefield 3.

Huge madden fan. As well as 2k basketball.

Curently playing a lot of (Tom Clancy future soldier)
Hondatek said:
Favorite game of all time is final fantasy 7. Most recent games that are my favs are batman arkham city, Max Payne 3, and black ops zombies and final fantasy 13-2

I love final fantasy too!:)
Oh brawl of course!! Its 3 player so...
My friend who is really good plays with any character

I play with mr game and watch

And my brother just switched from kurby to diddy kong...

There is soo much shouting when we play.. Lol
Ok nobody make fun of me lol but its gotta be my Cabellas hunting game for the Wii, or guitar hero. Haha. What can I say, I'm no gamer.
I like to play the FIFA games. Barcelona all the way with messi if not that then god of war or any shooter game.
Gotta be the call of duties for me, black ops zombies is awesome 2!
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