White fringes on my Cup Mushroom

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 6, 2003
Sacramento CA
OK, hey everyone... I think I've got a problem

basic parameters are right where I want them, the tank is really coming along... and everything is healthy and growing (various LPS and soft corals)...

But (there's always a but...) my cup mushrooms are starting to get a little whitening right along the fringe... they are otherwise spreading nicely and doing very well (I think). They DO however sit right in the shadow of a spreading torch coral... I'd say they're getting about medium to low(ish) light, and a gentle but obvious current. They used to sit out in the light and never fully opened, i think it was a bit much for 'em!

I've attached a picture for reference... what do you guys think?


40 gallon
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
nitrate 5
calcium 425
salinity .0023
Porksound said:
They DO however sit right in the shadow of a spreading torch coral...
Looking at the pic it would seem that the growth is not uniform on that side either. The mouth is not really centered as you will usualy find. With the close proximity of the torch, I would say you have some chemical warfare going on. Relocating on of the two should solve the problem.

Yep, something is stinging them or otherwise combating with chemicals. Check them out a few hours after lights out and see if anything is sending sweeper tentacles.
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