Who's the culprit?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 9, 2004
2 months ago, 2 new young dwarf frogs vanished from my previously frog proof tank. Now 2 of my fully grown tetras have vanished. The only two suspects are a golden gourami and a pleco... who dunnit?
cats? I shoot cats for fun... but thats a different hobby (only joking for those cat lovers out there). No other pets... on both occassions when animals went missin, i'd not fed them the nights before.
they may have died and then were eaten by the pleco. Depending on the pleco, he may be an omnivore.
We eat alot of fish here in Southern Louisiana (mostly catfish). :eating: Most fish (when cooked) are white. A good tuna steak being one of the exceptions. :mrgreen:
The pleco is a big boy alright, hes about 5" so it could be him then. He's just one of those brown plecos you get from a pet shop...
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