Why do cichlids dig?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 25, 2006
Queens, NY
For the first time since I have had them, my Africans have started digging in between the rocks in one area of my tank. What is the reason that cichlids dig at the sand? Just curious, never knew why.
A couple of reasons. First they dig for breeding purposes. The sift sand thrrough the gills to clean the gills I assume. Also I swear they do it to drive us nuts with re-arranging the aquascaping we work so hard to accomplish.
Thanks for the info Zagz. Maybe mine will be breeding soon? Or are they too young (if that exists in the fish world). They were all bought around February at baby size.
They can defend a pit better than a hill, from above. If that makes any sense... Plus, I think it has to do with it being a cleaner surface down there too, but if they are mouthbrooders, I think it more so to protect wrigglers/fry. I live in Florida, where I see Peacocks that have been released in ponds/lakes making pits all the time. Sometimes they are 24 inches around or more, and they control an area of around 6 feet across from the center of the pit out... While these guys are from S. America, it is still pretty cool to see cichlids in the "wild"...

My yellows started breeding about a year after I got them. The were between 2-3". Are your fish doing the cichlid shimmy or chasing each other around alot?
I have noticed them chasing each other around a lot, yes. Maybe this is a sign of good things to come.
The main reason they dig is looking for food. Another is breeding. its much safer for them to dig a hole under a rock to breed in and keep others from picking off their eggs as they spawn.
Sicklid you got me excited for a second there. As I read your post I thought you were talking about Peacocks from Malawi, I was going to ask where you saw those.

Sicklid hit it on the nose. Defense of a territory blocked off on at least one side is a heck of alot easier to protect than one in the open, the same reason other cichlids prefer flower pots and the like.
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