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You guys have motivated me to go and purchase some qngelfish and try my hand at breeding so here you go traded my african and a gsp for the pair guy said one was male and one was female so lets hope for the best (fingers crosses)


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They'll need a surface to spawn on like a piece of slate, spawning cone or amazon sword plant. My preference is the slate. It's easier to pull for raising yourself. You can get a slate tile at a hardware store and have them cut it in 3" wide strips
They'll need a surface to spawn on like a piece of slate, spawning cone or amazon sword plant. My preference is the slate. It's easier to pull for raising yourself. You can get a slate tile at a hardware store and have them cut it in 3" wide strips

My tank is full of slate cuz previosly it had my africans and i just changed the water added some plants so i guess im good to go just let the magic happen :)
Me to i hope they are male and female

Just out of curiosity, how big are these fish? From the pic they look like they may be just a tad too young to be breeding (but just a tad. lol) But then again, pictures can be deceiving :D
If they are both pure strains, you could wind up with some golden zebras. Wouldn't that be cool looking? (y) However, with all the strains interbreeding over time, you never know what you might get. In my case, I got my best Black Angels from a Gold and Marble pair. (Who'd a thunk it? :lol:) They were better than from my Black/ Black pairs. :blink: ( Guess we know what the parent's ancestors were :brows:)

As for the slate, make sure it is upright and leaning against one of the panes of glass. Angles breed on more verticle surfaces than horizontal ones. If the right angle isn't there, they will breed on the glass or a filter tube instead. :banghead:

Good luck with them (y)
i got another breeding pair today also. one is gold and the other is koi. im excited

You are getting my juices flowing. Watch out!!! I may need to go back into breeding these things again :eek: :ROFLMAO:

Question: Have you seen any Red Cap Angels? These are not the new wild ones but a strain that was all white with a red crown like a Red Cap Goldfish? I had one pair years ago and haven't seen them since :(
Just out of curiosity, how big are these fish? From the pic they look like they may be just a tad too young to be breeding (but just a tad. lol) But then again, pictures can be deceiving :D
If they are both pure strains, you could wind up with some golden zebras. Wouldn't that be cool looking? (y) However, with all the strains interbreeding over time, you never know what you might get. In my case, I got my best Black Angels from a Gold and Marble pair. (Who'd a thunk it? :lol:) They were better than from my Black/ Black pairs. :blink: ( Guess we know what the parent's ancestors were :brows:)

As for the slate, make sure it is upright and leaning against one of the panes of glass. Angles breed on more verticle surfaces than horizontal ones. If the right angle isn't there, they will breed on the glass or a filter tube instead. :banghead:

Good luck with them (y)

Haha good eye they are a little small i have to wait until they grow up a little more but it was these or ones that were quarter sized -__- but oh man thanks for that info cuz all my slate is flat ill turn a slate onto the glass
Also is there a way to buy pure strain angelfish?

At this point, I believe the only way to get pure strains is to get wild silvers (The original Angelfish color) or buy from breeders who are breeding pure strains. You'll never know what you'll get when you buy from most pet stores that are not breeding them themselves. You'll notice that most of the pictures you see of hobbyist's breeding pairs are mixed varieties. If they are selling to pet stores, the genetics of those fish are mixed as well. The only way to my knowledge to get pure strains is to breed same genetic makeups with same external colors. (But be careful, this has it's drawbacks down the generational line ;))

Hope this helps (y)
At this point, I believe the only way to get pure strains is to get wild silvers (The original Angelfish color) or buy from breeders who are breeding pure strains. You'll never know what you'll get when you buy from most pet stores that are not breeding them themselves. You'll notice that most of the pictures you see of hobbyist's breeding pairs are mixed varieties. If they are selling to pet stores, the genetics of those fish are mixed as well. The only way to my knowledge to get pure strains is to breed same genetic makeups with same external colors. (But be careful, this has it's drawbacks down the generational line ;))

Hope this helps (y)

Thanks it did another qurstion srry never owned angelfish im used to africans and oscars my two angelfish swim together like simountaniosly does that mean they are paired
Thanks it did another qurstion srry never owned angelfish im used to africans and oscars my two angelfish swim together like simountaniosly does that mean they are paired

Not necessarily. :( Angelfish are semi schooling fish and usually swim that way. The usual sign of them pairing is when the male protects the female from other suitors which is why it is better to have more than 2 Angels in a tank when you are trying to get pairs. Since you have some time to wait while these fish grow some more, I'd suggest adding at least 2 more, their size, into the mix. It will create a better environment for pairing. (Jealousy is a wonderful thing when it comes to pairing Angels. I used to keep black paper between my breeder tanks that covered only half the tank, the back part where the slate was, so that when the fish came to the front of the tanks, they saw each other which got their protective juices going which strengthened the bond between the pair. Better bonds made better breeders IMO.)

Don't worry about the questions. We are here to help (y)
Not necessarily. :( Angelfish are semi schooling fish and usually swim that way. The usual sign of them pairing is when the male protects the female from other suitors which is why it is better to have more than 2 Angels in a tank when you are trying to get pairs. Since you have some time to wait while these fish grow some more, I'd suggest adding at least 2 more, their size, into the mix. It will create a better environment for pairing. (Jealousy is a wonderful thing when it comes to pairing Angels. I used to keep black paper between my breeder tanks that covered only half the tank, the back part where the slate was, so that when the fish came to the front of the tanks, they saw each other which got their protective juices going which strengthened the bond between the pair. Better bonds made better breeders IMO.)

Don't worry about the questions. We are here to help (y)

That's a great tidbit of info that I will keep in mind! :D
So I've had some casualties. I'm a little paranoid of over feeding them that I may have not fed them enough. The last two feedings I was careful to watch how quickly they consumed the brine shrimp. Does the what can be eaten in 3 minutes rule apply with fry?
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