Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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I've been reading along for pleasure, but joined the wigglers club unexpectedly Sunday evening. Arrived home after being away all weekend to find wigglers from a Smokey pair. It's my first spawn and I didn't even see the eggs getting laid. 100% free swimming as of yesterday and my first batch of BBS was ready in time! Luckily AngelfishUSA is only 15 minutes from my house, so he set me up with hatcheries. Whew!

The unsightly sponge on my filter intake was rigged up Tuesday because this 10g was only meant as a Q tank while I prepared a new 55g, the fish were supposed to go in this week. Talk about timing! I'll roll with the punches, but not sure where to put grow out tanks... I'm in a small apartment.

Congrats and welcome to our little club (inside the club lol)

Just a few questions:
Was this a pair that you purchased or ones that you raised from young?
Was this their first spawn or just your first spawn? ( Kinda goes along with the first question ;) )
The timing of the free swimming makes me think they spawned the day before you left for the weekend. That being the case, are you sure there is 100% success? :whistle: :D

As Ray mentioned, your best bet would be to keep the fry in the 10 until they are about 3-4 weeks old and then move them into a larger tank. The parent's don't need to be in such a large tank and you will need all the larger tanks you can handle for the fry. ( Being in an apt is tough I understand so you have to optimize. FYI, I had 20 tanks in my bedroom growing up ranging from a 55 down to a 1 gal. :blink: It CAN be done (y)) Also, invest in some sponge filters A.S.A.P. HOBs are a fish fry's worst nightmare.

So please keep us posted on your progress. You might also enjoy my previous post ( a few posts ago) of the Angelfish Breeders Cheer. It's so true :lol:
ok i updated all my new pics in my profile feel free to look . sory about the pore camera quality pics. let me no what u think
Thanks for the welcome Karay and Andy!

@Andy, I actually purchased a trio and these two paired off. They weren't advertised as a known pair, but this may not be their first time. So far they seem very polished in their coordinated ability to monitor, manage and protect the young. What tipped me off Sunday night is the way they'd corralled three Congo tetras sharing the tank to the far side under the heater (now removed).

Everyone was free swimming last night but this morning the parents had most of the fry back in a position that resembled their wiggler state. Since this spawn was unexpected I've decided to let the parents learn to raise their young.

Appreciate the sponge filter tip, I'll purchase some ASAP! Loved the tanks, tanks, tanks cheer... Shared your number of bedroom tanks with the girlfriend because she almost fainted when she saw the 55g, which became the third tank in my bedroom!

Thanks for the welcome Karay and Andy!

@Andy, I actually purchased a trio and these two paired off. They weren't advertised as a known pair, but this may not be their first time. So far they seem very polished in their coordinated ability to monitor, manage and protect the young. What tipped me off Sunday night is the way they'd corralled three Congo tetras sharing the tank to the far side under the heater.

Everyone was free swimming last night but this morning the parents had most of the fry back in a position that resembled their wiggler state. Since this spawn was unexpected I've decided to let the parents learn to raise their young.

Appreciate the sponge filter tip, I'll purchase some ASAP!

Not that it matters but I'd be willing to say that this is probably not their first time spawning ( possibly it is with each other tho) as a hatch rate of such a high percentage is rather unusual for a new, first time spawner. ( I didn't want some of the other followers to think that their fish or they themselves are doing something wrong with not getting high rate first time spawning success. ;))

As you may recall, Angels like to play the game " Find the babies" so what you are seeing is typical. Just beware that when the parents start getting ready to spawn again, they may eat this batch of fry so separating them from the parents a.s.a.p. is highly recommended.
Keep us posted (y)
(Nice looking fish BTW :D)
Not that it matters but I'd be willing to say that this is probably not their first time spawning ( possibly it is with each other tho) as a hatch rate of such a high percentage is rather unusual for a new, first time spawner. ( I didn't want some of the other followers to think that their fish or they themselves are doing something wrong with not getting high rate first time spawning success. ;))

As you may recall, Angels like to play the game " Find the babies" so what you are seeing is typical. Just beware that when the parents start getting ready to spawn again, they may eat this batch of fry so separating them from the parents a.s.a.p. is highly recommended.
Keep us posted (y)
(Nice looking fish BTW :D)

I agree this likely isn't their first time at the rodeo! Appreciate the tips, added a sponge filter to the tank tonight. Thanks for the compliment, I'm a fan of the smokey pattern.
ok i updated all my new pics in my profile feel free to look . sory about the pore camera quality pics. let me no what u think

Bob, what a collection! So much variety! Show me angel with a hint of blue and I'm sold, but really like the koi as well.
ty i love the blues i have 3 breeding pair of them. i also like the koi and the orange pearl scale
so... since buying the stuff and getting the divider up Cass has been all over the marble laying stone, which i flipped 2 rougher side out, and so has Leo, her mate... that was earlyish thursday, and 2day her tube has dropped and both have doubled cleaning detail... hopefully eggs soon! then the wait 2 see if we get wigglers!
When i left for work both fish had tubes, and when i came home i had a much slimmer Cass, and slightly battered Leo, and eggs!!! Idk if they are fertile, but ill know soon enough!!!
So far she is taking great care of them... i even watched her pick out a few dead ones... there are a few turning white so far... Leo isnt really caring for them from what ive seen, but she keeps trying 2 get his attention... maybe asking for help???
yesterday morning the eggs were all gone... i think she knew they were dead so ate them... :(
poor girl so wants babies now!
Hi there. Angelfish whisperer here :lol:
I can report today that the single Koi Angel I had isolated is now eating 3 different types of food with regularity and is not shying away when I approach the tank. All signs leading to a full recovery (y) Did a 30% water change today and that didn;t deter it from eating either. Yippee :D
Getting the second 30 gal ready to separate some of the fish. Want to keep the Kois by themselves for now. Marble veils and gold marbles will co-mingle. Silvers will be by themselves.
Went shopping today for a building to put on my property. Might need to start smaller. Not many options where I am. ( Anyone want to come to FL this summer and build a building? I'll supply the drinks :ROFLMAO:)
Hey Andy, congrats on the recovering patient and potential facility upgrade! Was just reading an article about Lakeland and have a buddy who grew up in Winter Haven, nice area out there where you are... I'm jealous!
i would be there in a heart beat if i could. i think it would be awesome to set it up. if i was there we would make awesome partners in angels.
So... i got my plants!!! I love them all!!! The frogbit is a bit curled from the trip, but should straighted out!!! Anyways here are some pics of my divider and plants...

The original test... it got moved...

Looking in from end of tank...

Where it is now...

With plants!!!

My angels checking out the plants... poor smokeys fin still isnt healed... :(
Hey Andy, congrats on the recovering patient and potential facility upgrade! Was just reading an article about Lakeland and have a buddy who grew up in Winter Haven, nice area out there where you are... I'm jealous!

Thanks Shawn:
I actually moved here from Hollywood, FL so I know the area you are in ( worked in Hialeah for years ;) ) The difference between here and there is like night & day :whistle: I am atually still another 25 miles east of Winter Haven in RURAL Lake Wales. It's even nicer here :brows:
When you are tired of the congestion down there, come on up and you can start breeding fish for me :D ( or help build a building :lol:)
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