Work in progress (long) , updated 09/10/07

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i knew absolutly nothing about fish a 2 years ago and here i am now... fully planted co2 highlight fert dosing... and well everything lol. the plant forum has really taken off since i started mine aswell. it is much more frequently visitied than when i first started. espicially with this sub forum. it was my post a long time ago that actually started this forum lol. i had a thread for everyone to post pics of there tank so people could get a better idea on how to arrange there tank.... and here we are now with some of the most amazing tanks i have ever seen. i wish we still had kudos so i could tip people on there amazing tank.
Another week has gone by and I have added an some more plants. Sherry supplied some very nice colorful additions to my tank. It will just take some time for them to color up.

From sherry:

Limnophila aromatica
Limnophila 'green'
Micranthemum umbrosum
Tonina sp. 'Belem'
Cabomba palaeformis

from one of my LFS:

Myriophyllum simulans
Didiplis diandra
Rotala wallichii

Total plants:

Asian ambulia
Bacopa caroliniana
Ludwigia repens
Bacopa monnieri
Rotala rotundifolia
Microsorum pteropus
Vesicularia dubyana
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv'
Hygrophila difformis
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Red'
Najas guadalupensis
Aponogeton crispus
Vallisneria americana
Myriophyllum simulans
Didiplis diandra
Rotala wallichii
Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'
Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Anubias barteri v. 'nana'
Limnophila aromatica
Limnophila 'green'
Micranthemum umbrosum
Tonina sp. 'Belem'
Cabomba palaeformis

(IF you see something you would like just let me know)


still battling some fuzz algae issues. wouldn't be so bad if my bichirs would stop eating my darn OTO's!

making plans on going pressurized. just sold my raptor 660 so i have some money to play with as long as the wife doesn't have plans for it already. LOL. got a quote from rex on two valves and a manifold for 37 bucks and I think i am just going to get a beer regulator for 40 bucks locally along with a 10# bottle.
Just thought I would post some updates of my tank after the pressurized CO2 finally got going. The 75 gal layout looks the same, but the algea issues are now coming under control so I can take some photos up close and show some of the color of the plants. the reds are starting to come out. I really wish everyone would update their tanks more often. It's nice to see how they change over time.

Sherry's plants are making a wonderful addition, but are going to take longer then i thought to fill out. (OK, a week is pushing it. LOL)

Echinodorus x. 'Ozelot'

Limnophila aromatica. beautiful plant that sherry sent me. still has some fuzz algae on it, but nowhere near what it looked like a few days ago.

Rotala wallichii that I have been keeping too shaded. (that's what happens when you run out of room)


Here is an update on the 28 gal:

nothing major. got the pressurized CO2 hooked up to it yesterday.

the aquascaping has taken a backseat to the 75 gal sad to say. I most recently added some Lobelia cardinalis to the foreground.


EDIT: edited to correctly id a plant and remove some pics for server space.
That first pic is definately not Crypt Wendtii, and probably not a Crypt at all. Not sure what it is, perhaps an apothogen or sword?
Purrbox said:
That first pic is definately not Crypt Wendtii, and probably not a Crypt at all. Not sure what it is, perhaps an apothogen or sword?

Thanks Purrbox. I'm pretty sure it's a Leopard sword. I just gotta review some more data and then update my threads. You would think that if you where going to sell something, you would atleast know what you where selling. that's what I get for being the dumb consumer. Wonder why they get away with selling non-aquatic's.
Quite frankly the large majority of LFS know very little about the plants they sell. Generally they sell them based on what the supplier tells them. So if a Sword gets accidently marked as a Crypt, that's what they'll sell it as. If a plant appears on the list of aquatic plants that they can order, why would they suspect that they really aren't aquatic plants. Many LFS receive a plants in a large unmarked mix that are then sold as Misc Plants. Then you don't even have a starting idea what you might be dealing with.

Best bet is to have a good plant book with you when you go shopping so that you can ID the plants yourself. Second best is if the store has a book in stock that you can use.
Not quite a week yet, but I have nothing better to do then take pictures and suck up web space. (which I am about to run out of. I guess I am going to have to check out the gallery soon)

Seems the more plant growth I get the more pictures I take. By next month, I should be sitting in front of my aquarium 24/7. :roll:

New lesson learned this week: With more plant mass, comes less water flow. So much less, that some of my plants have a bad case of BBA. I have purchased a HUGE PH to take care of this. I just hope that it doesn't rip the plants out of the substarte. I guess I can always adjust the flow. But anyways onto the pictures.

here is the tank:

EDIT: redirected links and remove pics for server space.
Wow, very nice indeed! Your algea issues seem to be clearing up as well, mine have as well now that pressurized has been up and running for a few weeks. I used to get green dust algea pretty bad on plants and on my glass every couple of days, not any more.
Looking really good rkilling1... I love all the photos!

drobertson: if you can upload your images somewhere else you can use the {Img} button on this forum to link them in. I ran out of allowed bandwidth with AA long ago...
Well the 28 gal deserved an overhaul, so I removed the fake driftwood and added a melon sword. Pretty much just rearranged everything and removed most of the wisteria. It will take some time for it to grow in. I still have to sit down and figure out a game plan for this tank. I do not like the look of it. I started to rescape the right side and by the time I got to the left I was done. I knew I was going to have to rethink what I was doing. Most of the plants on the left you can't even see. but that is another day, probably tomorrow.


Edited to remove pics for server space
Kinda finished the 28 gal today, if you wanna call it that. lol. I just removed a ton of plants.

Now you can see some of the other plants.

Rotala rotundifolia (bad pic)

And now that I have been continuously increasing my CO2 levels and increasing my flows within the tank, my algae issues are getting better. I can now see great inprovement in my Ludwigia repens, where once it was covered in BBA and hair algae.


I am having some trouble getting my Micranthemum umbrosum lawn to grow. (wonder why)
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