Work in progress (long) , updated 09/10/07

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Man, I just can't stop taking pictures. LOL. I rearranged more of my tank, due to the plants I have coming in the mail from CZCZ. I have some really nice colors now. The algae issues are now coming under control, thankfully. I know I still have some hurtles to get over until my tank is where it should be or should I say where I want it to be. I have to learn how to aquascape better( that is for sure), but for rightnow, I am concentrating on growing plants and not algae.

This is Rotala wallichii now that it is getting some light.

The Cabomba palaeformis is starting to turn red as it gets closer to the light.

The Limnophila aromatica has new shoots that are starting to color up.

Of coarse the Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' always looks good.

New leaves of the Echinodorus x. 'Ozelot' sword are just awesome.

I had to cut up a lot of my Ludwigia repens due to BBA. You can still see some of it, but it is making a nice come back. You can also see how nice the the Limnophila aromatica looks.

Even though Asian ambulia is easy to grow and is a weed, I really like the color of it when it gets up close to the light.

And here is what the tank looks like now. Kinda empty lookling to me. LOL.
Looking good Randy. My r. wallichii is starting to look better with my new lights and stabilized fert schedule... That is a nice deep red you are getting there... Looks very happy... Hopefully mine will start looking more like that soon!
Thanks, dapellegrini.

I forgot to mention that I stopped dosing MgSO4 and CaCl2. That was due to many of my newer plants perfering softer water. That may also be way the colors are coming out better.
CZCZ's plants arrived yestereday, thank you CZCZ. Just thought I would share some pics of those.

Ranunculus papulentus

Blyxa japonica

Rotala rotundifolia 'Colorata'

and I just had to take some more pics of the Cabomba palaeformis and Rotala wallichii. :)

Cabomba palaeformis

Rotala wallichii
After I received a confirmation of an ID from Joe (CZCZ), here is the last plant that I received from this great guy.

Pogostemon stellatus

Many thanks goes out to CZCZ for the great plants he has sent me. And of coarse the rest of the members of AA who have given me so many of my other plants. :D
Hey I love the tank. if the stellata takes off may I have some? been dying for that plant.. that and luwiga panatell if anyone has any
wow, stunning plants!

isn't that sword gorgeous? i have a leopard, mine is super spotty - my pride and joy! :D and such a faster grower - at least one huge leaf a week!
Well, I ended up putting the Limnophila sessiliflora back over to left side and the Ludwigia repens back over to the right. I also removed my rock formation for added room for plants. That gives my tank more of the 'filled' look.

Here is where the rock was located. It is now filled with Glossostigma elatinoides in front, Micranthemum umbrosum in the back, and some Ranunculus papulentus on the right side.

Here is my Limnophila aromatica that has new shoots. (This is the plant I got from sherry. I had to cut it up because of algae)

This is Pogostemon stellatus between some Limnophila aromatica. The Pogostemon stellatus is already growing nicely.


Here is the KING on his throne.

A full shot of the new style of my aquarium. (notice I have been working on the foreground plants, trying to get it working with the rest of the tank)

I also have some more Tonina sp. 'Belem' coming from sherry to fill in the foreground some more.
drobertson said:
Looks like you have created a very nive enviroment for your fish, Good Job

Thankyou. That explains why I have fry from every tank in my house rightnow. :lol: Cichlid, guppy, and tiger barb fry.

BTW, I am still waiting on your pics. Especially now that I know you have a ton more plants.
WOW! Your tanks look awesome! Pictures like these are what made me want to plant my tank. I dare say you were BORN for this...

Simply awesome!
Thanks to Satsumas, I had to try some aquascaping for the fisrt time. Be gentle with me. LOL.

It will take some time to fill in and my foreground will need a lot of work, but it is still work in progress. I have glosso spread throughout my entire foreground, so it should fill in nicely.

I remove the Echinodorus x. 'Ozelot' sword since it took up way to much space and took away from the rest of the tank. I also bunched the Rotala wallichii together more and moved the Micranthemum umbrosum carpet over to where the Ozelot was.

I took all of my Limnophila aromatica and bunched them together along with the Pogostemon stellatus.

I put the Cabomba palaeformis right behind the bunch of Limnophila aromatica to break up the leaf patterns a bit. Once the plants beside them grow in, I believe this will look a little better. Both sides have different leaf patterns as well.

The Myriophyllum simulans should have been trimed, because it is hiding the Bacopa caroliniana to much, but I believe the diffence in colors and shapes are doing well in this area as well with the sunset hygro in there as well.

This is the whole left side. It needs the most work. I have my 28 gallon aquarium with plants to choose from, put I don't know what to pick. I do know there is to much Limnophila sessiliflora in there rightnow. Again, I have to wait to things to fill in some more to get a better picture or more plants to fill some gaps in. It needs some more color.

This is the whole right side. I don't know if I like the sword there or not. I do like the Tonina sp. 'Belem'.

This is the whole tank after I spent a GOOD 5 or 6 hours on it today. That doesn't include the many BBA killing hours I spent on it yesterday!!!!

Please let me know what you think honestly! I know it needs work. I don't have all the plant mass yet.

These are all the plants I have to work with. (unless someone wants to send me some. ;) )

Anubias barteri v. 'nana'
Bacopa caroliniana
Bacopa monnieri
Blyxa japonica
Cabomba palaeformis
Didiplis diandra
Echinodorus bleheri 'compacta'
Echinodorus osiris
Echinodorus quadricostatus
Glossostigma elatinoides
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Hygrophila difformis
Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Limnophila aromatica
Limnophila 'green' (Polygonum odoratum)
Limnophila sessiliflora
Lobelia cardinalis
Ludwigia inclinata
Ludwigia repens
Micranthemum umbrosum
Microsorum pteropus
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv'
Myriophyllum simulans
Pogostemon stellatus
Ranunculus papulentus
Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala rotundifolia 'Colorata'
Rotala wallichii
Tonina sp. 'Belem'
Vallisneria americana
lol... I think you have as many different kinds of plants as me! And they are looking very healthy...

The first thing I think is what you mentioned: plant mass. Are you replanting your trimmings? Seems a little sparse in areas. A think foreground would also be cool.

Other than that, I think it boils down to personal preferences... I like smaller, strongly colored or oddly shaped fish to accent the tank. 20ish schooling fish could maybe add some more character, though that may mean cycling some fish out.

The award winners usually have way few varieties of plants, but I really enjoy having 30-something different species... I decided to turn down some Mayaca today because there is NOWHERE to put it, but I am kinda bummed...

A better question, what do you think you need to do to make it better? What do you like and what don't you like about what you have now?



Also, you could maybe play around with your hardscape a bit... Maybe try some rocks?
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