Yippee! Nitrites on the decline.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 12, 2004
Cleveland, Ohio
Okay folks, wrapping up day 25 here and the nitrites took a precipitous plunge today. A morning test hinted at the drop and an after work test 14 hours later shows a drop from 3-4 ppm to .5 ppm. So my nitrite spike lasted six days: started to rise on the 12th, falling off on the 18th.

I am still going to dose with a bit of ammonia as I won't get any fish in the tank until late on Sunday (provided of course that the cycle finishes). I will measure for trates and do the obligatory water change.

Now the fun of stocking begins.

On another note, if you read my driftwood query, you may know that I've got a really interesting piece floating mid-level in the tank. Over the last few days it has lost some buoyancy and is sinking at little. I'll post a pic soon.

Thanks again for this wonder forum!


This morning the nitrites hit zero! My cycle took exactly 27 days, just one day short of 4 weeks. Off to the LFS today for the first inhabitants, probably a small school of the most peaceful, smallest tetras I can find. I really like tetras.

fambrough - Congrats!

I'm in the 3rd day of .5ppm Nitrites.....and day 31 of my cycle. I'm hoping that my Nitrites drop to zero soon!
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