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My filter is not listed but posted below are the specs found on my aquarium box for the 123 Litre tank which is just over 27 UK gallons or just over 30 US gallons.

Make Fluval
One pump with x2 output jets - 810 Litres per hour and 770 Litres per hour (they seem pretty powerful and knock my plants all over the place)
X2 foam filters measuring 13 inch by 4 inch by 3 inch (A1375) - purchase I.D
X2 carbon (A1377) - purchase I.D
X2 biomax (A1378) - purchase I.D

I do not know much about pumps or filters.
Found that filter buddy.......

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 132%.Help on Filtration capacity
Recommended water change schedule: 21% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 61%. [Generate Image]Help on Generate Image
Just ordered 5 Panda Corys ---- BOOM lol

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 94%.Help on Filtration capacity
Recommended water change schedule: 30% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 78%.
No i've ordered them from aquatics2you uk in Birmingham but it was on your advise that i ordered Panda's.
I received my Panda Cory's today and research tells me that they like to be kept at 22-24 degrees, some sites say that they can be kept at 25 degrees.
As my Betta likes a temp of 25.5 -26.5, will my Panda's be ok at 25.5 or should i lower to 25 and hope that my Betta wil be ok?

Sort of wish i had bought albino corys which can be kept at 26 degrees :-( but i know that you guys will be able to help me and put my mind at rest.
Your corys will be fine at 25.5c and your betta will be fine at 25c. They might be a little bit out of their recommended parameters but your fish will be fine in the 25 to 27c range. I would leave it at the 25.5 if your existing fish are happy at that temperature.
I just want to point out the somewhat obvious............Panda Corys are MAD lol. They lounge around all day, wiggle a bit, throw out the odd twitch and have the occasional cruise around the tank and then 5pm comes around and BOOM they are whizzing around the tank like complete nut cases. They smash into everyone else without a care in the world. It came to the end of the night, lights off and i could still see 2 of them zooming up and down the front of the tank, i went to bed laughing my head off.

They have calmed down somewhat tonight and have only spend about 2 hours turning the water into a whirlpool of chaos. I truly was not prepared for what i had purchased, they are nutters with fins and i love them lol.
They are my favourite fish to watch. I have 14 i think, occasionally i find a baby or 2. I think a net gain of 4 in the last 12 months. I think with only 5, you still aren't seeing them at their best.

All my other active fish seem to slow down with age, but not the corys.
Honestly haven't heard of anyone who didn't find them - Cories in general, to be a highlight of the tank. More is better, for their activities of tumbling and bumbling
Hello, I'm new here aswell. I can imagine how beautiful your talk is. Mine is a starter but I have to work with it atm.
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They sound amazing

I just want to point out the somewhat obvious............Panda Corys are MAD lol. They lounge around all day, wiggle a bit, throw out the odd twitch and have the occasional cruise around the tank and then 5pm comes around and BOOM they are whizzing around the tank like complete nut cases. They smash into everyone else without a care in the world. It came to the end of the night, lights off and i could still see 2 of them zooming up and down the front of the tank, i went to bed laughing my head off.

They have calmed down somewhat tonight and have only spend about 2 hours turning the water into a whirlpool of chaos. I truly was not prepared for what i had purchased, they are nutters with fins and i love them lol.

Stuff like this I could sit around and watch till I fall asleep. Who needs a TV.
Hi Leah,

Exactly who needs a TV when you have fish, especially cute little panda's dancing in your tank.

Their latest trick is to form a straight line when foraging for food on the tank floor and then the one at the back does a little rainbow hop over the rest to get to the front of the queue hahahaha.

I have only had my tank just over 2 months so i am new too, just do loads of research from different sources to get more than one opinion. I made some school boy errors listening to bad advice over the internet.

I have just ordered 5 more panda's woooooooooooo
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