Your most beautiful community tank fish?

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Denisoni Barbs!!! They're colourful, always out and swimming all over the tank and they get along with most community fish. Love them! :p

And, obviously, angel fish and clown loaches! 8)
I'm sure this has been beaten to death (but I don't feel like reading 5 pages of text :mrgreen: ) But I love my angels. I don't even have some of the more beautiful strains and i still love 'em.
I've got a royal blue delta-tail female betta. She's small but flashy. My white spade-tail doesn't have full blown fins yet but she's real showy too. They don't hide often so they're good for small decorative community tanks I think.
those of you who know me can anticipate what i'm going to say...

denisonii barbs all the way!!! Big C--good on you! they are sooooo awesome.

and my praecox rainbows are especially pretty. and as far as amusing goes, menagerie has a great point--kuhli loaches--fantastically fun little guys!

Blue Rams (although I've never kept bolivians, so can't contribute to the argument)

Argggh why won't this work (the html code)?
My own preference is Tiger Barbs and lots of them. I put in the more gentle fish first and then add the Tigers last and they do not seem to bother any of the other fish that were already in the tank. So far the Tigers have never bothered a fish that was in the tank when I added them. And I add at least 8 Tigers to start with and go up from there.

However, I would not put them in with Angels er that is I might try them if I had the Angels in first.

If I had another tank, it would definitely have Angels. I just have had trouble keeping Angels. Most people do not it seems, but my water GH is hard and the tank pH has settled in to be about 6.8.
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