Zebra Cichlid housing question/tankmates

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 30, 2007

I have a 4 year old blue Zebra male all on his own, he has always lived alone. He is about 5 inches long and quite a character.

Anyways I recently got a nicer 60 gallon tank that I would like to move him into. What other cichlids might I be able to add? I realize that any of them could end up with wounds or even worse, but what would be a species (cichlid but even another type of fish) that would be as peaceful as you might get with cichlids?

Is it better to just have him on his own? I don't want anything to happen to him as he is almost a member of the family LOL!!!!!!!
After 5 years of living on his/her own Marisa, the presence of another cichlid would be a major adjustment. If you really love this fish the best thing to do is keep it a lone fish.
I agree with Brian: at this point, I seriously doubt he'll accept any "intruders" into his tank-- which is what he'll view other cichlids as.

If you want to add tankmates in the new tank, I'd suggest a school of hardy tetras, rasboras, barbs, or danios (nothing small enough to fit in a mouth).
Thanks guys. I don't want ANYTHING to happen to this fish. It might seem stupid but he really is like a cat or dog to us and we do everything we can to keep him in tip top shape. He is totally gorgeous.

I think I'll take your advice, and let him be the king of the 60 gallon castle.

With adding a school of danios, or barbs or tetras...will that stress him at all? He hasn't moved into the 60 gallon yet so it will be an all new enviroment for him.

If the little guys (tetras or barbs etc) will bother him at all I'll be fine with setting up just him in the new 60.

thanks for all your help so far!
Don't worry about him being stressed from a school of dither fish. I'm sure it will be quite the other way around! There will be plenty of room for him and a school of dithers in a 60 gallon. I totally agree with the advice above, and would suggest tiger barbs, black ruby barbs, black skirt tetras, red and blue Columbian tetras, or giant danios. All these fish are tough and fast.
Any thoughts on rainbow fish for tankmates for this guy?
out of curiosity...

IME bala sharks are a very peaceful fish. However, if its 60 gallons what about a few balas? They are faster than any oterh fish i've run into and get to be a pretty good size.
Balas grow much to large for a 60 gallon, let alone a group of them. They also stress easily, from what I understand.

Marisa- I'm not sure about the rainbows, but I'm leaning toward "no" on that one. They prefer planted tanks, which is likely incompatible with your cichlid (unless you go with fake plants), and they prefer peaceful tankmates. That's why I suggested the species that I suggested- your cichlid will probably chase any smaller schooling fish, so they need to be hardy and quick.
Yeah well I like the tiger barbs so I'll probably stick with that idea.

thanks for all your help!
I currently have 2 small balas that school with 2 scissortails in my 29g tank.

I've noticed. Sorry, but they will definitely outgrow the tank.

Marisa- you don't have to stick with one variety of tiger barb if you want some more color in your tank. Albino and green tiger barbs are the same species as the regular ones, just a different color variant, and they will all school together if you like that idea. Just a thought. Good luck and show us the tank when you get it set up!

Yeah I did some research and reading on the Tiger Barbs and I like the variety out there. I DO like the idea of a tank with a variety of "pretty fish" but Gary's welfare is more important to me than that, so I am happy a fish that could work with him can also look good!!!! I just originally wanted more activity in a nice big 60. Gary is 5 inches but thats still not a lot of fish for that tank. But in the end I was also prepared to just have him in it if that was best or safest for him. I am glad I can get some tigers in that case. :D

And yes, my cichlids name is Gary. LMAO!

I'll definitly get pics when I get it set up. I love planted tanks (as I have a ten gallon fully planted for the past 6 years) but Gary is pretty rough, although not as rough as some cichlids on plants. He will allow java moss, amazon swords (huge ones only though. small ones were destroyed) and vals' grow in his tank with only a minimum of trouble (although yes sometimes he throws a "cich-fit" and wrecks even those!)

Anyways thanks a lot for all the help
You could look into getting him a girlfriend as well. They pair off very readily, and females are easy to identify.

The only problem with that is that they will start to breed. Constantly. And they will take half the tank for themselves, running off any intruders, to protect the eggs and fry.
Zebra cichlids don't exactly "pair" off....they are polygamous and usually do best in small groups with about 3 females to 1 male. I don't think I'd try to add other Africans to the tank at this point though, since he's been alone for so long.

Stick with the Tiger Barbs and hopefully they'll mind their own business (and Gary too). ;)
Yes I do NOT want any babies of any kind at any time. My roommate had a large tank with many cichlids and then MANY babies...and more and more and more. They are sooooo cute as babies but it's not something I am interested in dealing with.

Gary will not pass his demon seed on if its up to me. LOL he is such a punk as it is, I don't want 500 more of him. :D
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