Firemouth chiclids

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 17, 2005
BFE North carolina
I have a pair of firemouth chiclids and did the basic research before I bought them but I am having trouble finding any specific information concerning behavior and optimum conditions. Right now they are in a lightly planted low light tank with drift wood and rockwork which they hide in constantly. Id this normal behavior they are in water of ph 7.2 and at 78 degrees F. All Ammonia and nitrites are 0 with nitrate at about 15 ppm for the plants. I do PWC's about every 3 days of about 10%. I dose flourish once a week and flourish excel everyday. I feed them assorted frozen food. Bloodworms, brine shrimp and omega one flake food.
How long have you had them? Ive had similar cichlids and sometimes they take a couple days or weeks to get comfortable. Everything you're doing sounds fine.
I've had them for about 2 weeks. In my experience it is unusual for fish to be shy this long. I'm starting to think about appropriate dither fish.
Just a few thoughts for you Scott. It's possible that your fish aren't shy but spooked by activity near the tank. Do they come out to feed? Try turning the lights off in the room and observing them for a while quietly.

These are intelligent fish as far as fish go. They should eventually become accustomed enough to you and their tank to feel comfortable venturing out. They may also be close to spawning. In that case they would never venture far from the place they've staked a claim to. :wink:
They are no where near full grown yet about 2" each. So I don't think they are spawning. I think they are just spooked by me. They don't really come out to feed they wait till I walk away and pick it off the bottom or only dart out of their caves a little. Not that I mind too much. I just would like to see them sometimes.
Well be patient and and you will get to see them. Some things just can't be rushed.
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