Octopus....anyone have experience with them?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 7, 2003
Mankato MN
I was thinking of getting an octopus or a predatory tank....Cant decide what i should get and was hoping you guys could help me out. I have always wanted an octopus does anyone have any experience with them? TIA
I know I'm a little late with this reply, but I hope I can bring you a little
encouragement to try something you have always wanted too!!
I got an Octopus some years back while I was working in a fish store, and the owner said to me "what the _ _ _ _ do you want one of those for its just going to die, or get out of the tank.... bla bla bla" to make a long story short I ordered the Occy, and put him into my 30 gal. with my tomato clown and his anemone, and a domino damsel, and a four stripe damsel.
He never ate anything but what I put in their for him to eat ( I was hoping
he would eat the damsels, but didn't!) I cant tell you how much fun It was watching him hunt fiddler crabs, he lived a little over a year, and then suddenly, he died. Try it, you will never regret the experience..... unless your tank isn't sealed really tight!!
Let us know if you get one, and how ya' like it!
Good Luck , M Rako
:lol: 8O :eek:
Well i have a good tank for an octo that i know he wont get out of..Its a Via Aqua tank that has the built in filtration top. I looked at octopets.com and very nice website. I do know that an octopus only live for about a year and then die but that is their life cycle, is very short. But it would be a great year of fun.....I just cant decide. Anyone know if you can have like mushrooms or anything in the tank with it just to give the LR a better look?
If you get a chance, also check out TONMO.com

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