Paired clownfish fighting in QT?

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Claw Atticas

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 3, 2008
When I purchased my clownfish, I was pretty sure they were paired already, and even swam side-by-side into the LFS's net. In the tank, every so often they would swim around each other, and the female even did the "clownfish waggle" several times to the male, the male responding once or twice.

Ever since I moved my clownfish to quarantine, the female's been fighting with the male off and on, rushing full speed towards him and stopping in his face, sometimes causing the male to hide behind the HOT filter, and stay close to the surface of the water, while the female hangs around mid-level or at the bottom. I don't believe the female has injured the male, but I don't want the male to get too stressed out.
Video: YouTube - Clownfish fighting

I've put an aquarium net breeder from WalMart in the tank to put the male in when he gets pestered, and he seems perfectly fine in this location, though I put him back in with the female during feeding times, which seems to calm them both down...
A few times, as well, the male and female have seemed to want to be together after separation, and one time they did the "clownfish waggle" together right after I took the male out of the net, and swam around together, but today the fighting started back up again, which I recorded in the video above... Now, the male is back in the breeder net

Also, I tried placing PVC pipe in the tank for them to hide in, but it didn't take. I'm now taking the bottom out of a thoroughly-washed-out Crystal Light container (The plastic tube that stores the 1/4cup containers), which should be larger than the PVC for the fish to hide (The female is about 3 inches long, the male about 2)
Sometimes LFS or others will just put two fish together and claim they are paired when they arent really paired. This might be the problem here. It`s not as easy as just putting two fish together and saying they are paired. I`m not saying you did that but wherever you got the fish they did.
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