Running WITHOUT a sump?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 4, 2005
Okay, so after several plumbing issues and gurggling issues with my sump and overflow (it was man made poorly - bought it used), I've decided to ditch the sump idea. I bought everything used and can probably sell it all to make my money back. I've thought about it for a long time and after going back and forth about it - I've decided to just run without a sump (I know a lot of you will probably disagree, but I just had bad experiences over the past couple weeks - I'm sure its rare but I'm fed up with it).

Anyway, with a 110gal 48x18x30 - assuming I end up with about 160lbs of lr and a deep sand bed - what do I need for filtration without a sump? Can I just go with two good powerheads and a AquaC Ramora Pro HOB with a preskimmer running carbon? I won't need any additional mechanical filtration, will I?

My RO/DI came last week and I have two 300w heaters. I've got 50 lbs of base rock so far and I'm waiting for my HD to get sand in (was told within 2 weeks). Anything else I'm forgetting to get this thing running? I want to do this right.

Also, if you think I'm crazy for ditching the sump idea. Let me know.

Thanks, all.

- Puff Skinny
The Aqua C should be fine, although it will be underpowered for the tank.

As long as you keep up with your water maintenance as far as water changes and making sure you don't overfeed or overstock, your water should be fine with that skimmer. You don't even need to run the carbon 24/7.. most here only run it a couple times a month to clear up water. The rest of the filtration will be taken care of by your LR/LS.

Just make sure you have a PH pointed towards the surface of the water to break up surface tension... your preskimmer box should help with this as well.
RLG2182 said:
The Aqua C should be fine, although it will be underpowered for the tank.

Underpowered? Would you recommend anything different? I haven't bought anything as of yet (except for the heater). OH, and I have 1 300watt not 2. I'm not awake yet.
As far as HOB skimmers, the Aqua C Pro would be your best bet. In-sump is "sky's the limit" with skimmers... but since you're sump-less... I would go with the Remora Pro. Again, even with an "overpowered" skimmer, if you do not maintain your water changes and overfeed/overstock, you would have a worse problem on your hands. The skimmer should do you fine, and can even be placed on the back of a sump if you decide to do one later
Thanks, RLG.

The sump is probably the way to go - maybe I should cool down and take a break from it for a week or two - then, revisit the sump challenge and possibly make it work before I give up completely.

I plan on housing a Zebra Moray which I've read is fairly picky with water conditions and creates a lot of waste, so I want to make sure I have a decent skimmer. I'm religious about water changes, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks again.

- Skins
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